Suikoden IV

Posted by Jeffry Intraversion | Posted in | Posted on 21.56

              Suikoden IV
         Written by Putingrad (James Graham)
     Started on January 12th, 2005
              Version 1.42

     This guide is for the time being a GameFAQs-only guide. 
      This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of
   any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

       Copyright 2005 James Graham

          Contact me at -

            AIM: NonEntity88

I am open to being sent anything I may have missed, or any tips that someone
  might have, and you will be given due credit if I include it in my guide.

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*TABLE OF CONTENTS*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

1. Introduction      [INDT]
2. Updates        [UPDT]
3. FAQ       [FRAQ]
4. Main Menu      [MMNU]
5. Normal Battles      [NMBA]
        a. Combo Attacks
        b. Status Effects
        c. Support Character Effects
6. Naval battles      [NVBA]
7. Duel Battles      [DUBA]
8. Walkthrough             [WKTR]
        NVB1  - Naval Battle: First Engagement
        LOC1  - City; Razril and Hall of Knights
        LOC2  - World Map; Razril to Middleport
        LOC3  - City; Middleport
        LOC4  - World Map; Middleport
        LOC5  - World Map; Razril to Iluya Island
        NVB2  - Naval Battle: Pirate Brandeau
        NVB3  - Naval Battle: Retribution
        LOC6  - Ocean; Exile Ship
        LOC7  - Ocean; Merchant Ship
        LOC8  - Deserted Island
        LOC9  - Ocean; Obel Patrol Ship
        LOC10 - City; Kingdom of Obel and Headquarters
        LOC11 - Mordo Island
        LOC12 - Nay Island (Cities; Nay and Nay-Kobold Settlement)
        LOC13 - Na-Nal Island
        LOC14 - City; Kingdom of Obel
        LOC15 - Dungeon; Obel Ruins
        LOC16 - Ocean; Merchant Ship
        NVB4  - Naval Battle: Pirate Dario
        LOC17 - City; Obel Kingdom
        LOC18 - Nay Island
        LOC19 - City; Obel Kingdom
        NVB5  - Naval Battle: Defending Obel
        LOC20 - Iluya Island
        LOC21 - Donut Island
        LOC22 - Pirate's Nest
        NVB6  - Naval Battle: Former Friend
        LOC23 - Hermitage Island
        LOC24 - Ship of Obel
        LOC25 - Pirate's Nest
        LOC26 - City; Middleport
        LOC27 - Na-Nal Island
        NVB7  - Naval Battle: Regaining Razril
        LOC28 - City; Razril and Hall of Knights 
        NVB8  - Naval Battle: Battle Once More
        NVB9  - Naval Battle: For Obel's Freedom
        NVB10 - Naval Battle: Mysterious Fleet
        LOC29 - Ship
        NVB11 - Naval Battle: Final Engagement
        LOC30 - Fort El-Eal
        LOC31 - Fort El-Eal
9. Normal Enemy Bestiary    [BSTR]
10. Characters (The Stars of Destiny)   [CHTR]
11. Runes      [RNES]
        a. Elemental Runes
        b. Combo Magic
        c. Character Unique Runes
        d. Non-Spell Runes
12. Items      [ITMS]
 a. Usable Items
 b. Sealed Orbs
 c. Rune Pieces
 d. Material
 e. Antiques
 f. Tradable Items
 g. Other
 h. Rare Items
13. Equipment      [EQPT]
 a. Head Gear
 b. Body Gear
 c. Hand Gear
 d. Foot Gear
 e. Accessories
        f. Equipment Sets
14. The Smithy, Creating Equipment, Materials           [TSEQ]
15. The Ship      [TSHP]
 a. Bridge
 b. First Deck Corridor
 c. Second Deck Corridor
  I. Rear Deck and Fishing 
 d. Third Deck Corridor
  I. Shops
  II. Bath
                III. Pecola and the Ornament Room
 e. Fourth Deck Corridor
  I. Keen and the Confession Room
  II. Tanya and Old Books
  III. Rene and Treasure Maps
 f. Fifth Deck Corridor
  I. Reinhold and the Training Hall
  II. Cultivation Room
  III. Shipwright's Room
  IV. Accessory Atelier
 g. Deck
 h. Saloon
  I. Nataly and Window Sets
  II. Etienne and Game Music
16. Mini-games      [MNGM]
 a. Mouse Catching
 b. Dice
 c. Tops
        d. Coin toss
        e. Rita-Pon
        f. Noah's Game
17. Secrets, Tips, and Tidbits    [STSQ]
 a. Explanation
 b. Trading, Earning Potch
 c. The Killer Golem
 d. The Ancient Crab
 e. Other recruitable characters. (Not Stars of Destiny)
 f. The True Holy Rune
        g. Loading Screen
        h. Endings
18. Special Thanks and Credits    [THNK]

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*1. INTRODUCTION [INDT]*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

Suikoden IV is the latest installment in the Suikoden series, made by Konami.
The previous installments which were released in North America include:
Suikoden I, Suikoden II, and Suikoden III. There are several spin-off games
in addition to the primary titles released in Japan. Suikoden IV is the second
installment to be released on the Playstation 2, after Suikoden III. With the
release of Suikoden IV, the series' leadership has changed hands, and given to
Junko Kawano, and the result is a game that feels quite different from the 
previous installments, yet still essentially Suikoden.

To jump around the guide, use the code listed in brackets next to the section
in the table of contents. For the walkthrough, use the LOC and NVB codes to 
get to where you need to be. 

It is my hope that this guide will be able to successfully aid you throughout
your adventures in the Island Nations of the Suikoden world, and help you get 
the most out of the game. Enjoy!

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*2. UPDATES [UPDT]*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

Version 0.1 (January 12th, 2005) - Guide started. Beginnings of table of 
   contents, general outline, walkthrough, main menu,
   normal and naval battles begun.
Version 0.4 (January 13th, 2005) - Added more to the walkthrough, began duel
   battles section, FAQ section.
Version 0.45 (January 16th, 2005) - Added more to the walkthrough and FAQ,
   began bestiary, characters, rune list, equipment list,
   item list, and special thanks sections, made slight 
   edits and changes elsewhere throughout the guide. 
Version 0.47 (January 19th, 2005) - Minor additions and edits to all parts. 
Version 0.6 (January 22, 2005) - Major additions to the walkthrough and 
   characters section. 
Version 0.8 (January 23, 2005) - Significant additions to walkthrough and 
   bestiary sections. Characters section completed. Minor 
   additions to FAQ.
Version 0.9 (January 24, 2005) - Major additions to items list, started mini-
   games section, minor additions and edits throughout 
   the rest of the guide.
Version 0.94 (January 26, 2005) - Additions to items and equipment section,
   started secrets, tips, and sidequests section. Slight
Version 0.97 (January 29, 2005) - Major additions to items, sidequests,
   bestiary, and equipment sections. Started the ship
   section. Minor additions and edits elsewhere.
Version 0.98 (January 30, 2005) - Slight additions and edits to all parts.
Version 0.99 (February 8, 2005) - Added runes section, major additions to 
                        items and equipment sections. Minor additions
Version 1.0 (Feburary 13, 2005) - Walkthrough is finally finished! Accessories
                        section started, slight additions and edits elsewhere.
Version 1.1 (February 20, 2005) - Two slight changes to walkthrough that were
                        desperately needed, and material combination lists 
                        added for the ship's shops. 
Version 1.2 (February 21, 2005) - Started net-fishing list, neared completion
                        of item list, completed item creation list for the
                        ship (name of equipment and materials required). 
Version 1.25 (February 22, 2005) - Added Smithy, Creating Equipment, and 
                        Materials section, added to treasure maps section, 
                        slight additions and edits to walkthrough, items,
                        equipment and bestiary sections.
Version 1.26 (February 23, 2005) - Added Ornament Room section, slight 
                        additions to items, bath and equipment sections.
Version 1.27 (February 23, 2005) - Added Rita-Pon and Noah's game to mini-
                        games section, FAQ questions, endings section, slight
                        additions and edits elsewhere. 
Version 1.28 (March 14, 2005) - Additions to normal battle section, started
                        cultivation room sections, support characters section,
                        status effects section, minor editions and edits
                        elsewhere. I think the guide might just be completed!
Version 1.29 (March 20, 2005) - Additions to the item and equipment lists, as 
                        well as the bestiary and Taisuke's bath section. Added
                 equipment sets section.
Version 1.3 (June 19, 2005) - Added the helpful information that 
                        ShadowofKenshin provided regarding various parts of 
                        the game.
Version 1.31 (August 7, 2005) - Additions to FAQ, spelling and grammar 
                        corrections throughout.
Version 1.32 (August 21, 2005) - Addition to FAQ, spelling and grammar 
                        corrections throughout, miscellaneous small additions.
Version 1.4 (August 30, 2005) - Format is overhauled so that the guide is 
                        hopefully simpler to use and easier on the eyes.
Version 1.41 (August 30, 2005) - More overhauling to the format. I was a bit
                        indecisive for a bit, but I think this is finally a 
                        good one.
Version 1.42 (August 31, 2005) - Minor corrections and edits throughout, FAQ

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*3. FAQ [FRAQ]*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

1. Is Suikoden IV quite different from previous Suikoden installments?

- Yes and no. While the game has apparently made an attempt to go back to the 
feel of the first two installments (especially the first Suikoden) and away 
from the evolution in the series that was Suikoden III, it also feels quite
different from the previous games. The shorter game length and silent Hero
among other things can be seen as a harkening back to the days of Suikoden I 
and II, while sea exploration and having only four characters available in
battle are new steps for the series.

2. How long is the game?

- The game can be completed quite quickly by most RPG standards, around 20-30

3. Do I need to play any of the other games to understand the story?

- No, the game is a new branch in the Suikoden timeline, and does not require
previous experience with the games. However, there are a few cameo appearances
as well as allusions to other aspects of the Suikoden world. 

4. How does the game fit into the larger story of the Suikoden series?

- Suikoden IV takes place many years before Suikoden I does. The story is set 
in the Island Nations, a region that has been only slightly alluded to in the
previous installments. There is some mention of the heavyweight nations in the
Suikoden world however, such as the Scarlet Moon Empire and Harmonia.

5. Can I upload game data from Suikoden III, like I could with other Suikoden 

- Sadly, this feature was not implemented this time around. Maybe it's the 
fact that Suikoden IV takes place long before the other games in the series 
instead of in the same timeframe... but who knows.

6. How do I get to Donut Island, and back to the Deserted Island?

- Donut Island can be found almost directly east from the top of the Obel
Kingdom Island amidst a small series of islands. The Deserted Island is 
located in almost the exact center of the map. It is a pretty large island, so
you'll spot it near the center.

7. How do DEF, PDF, and MDF all relate to each other?

- Simply put, your DEF rating is your character's natural PDF plus whatever
the PDF stats of your equipped armor are. MDF is not factored into the MDF 

8. What does LUC effect?

- LUC effects things anything that is determined randomly really, such as
net-fishing, critical hits, counter attacks, and I believe mini-games such as 

9. How do I get Pearl Shells?

- Pearl Shells are most easily gotten by simply parking your ship right 
outside the Deserted Island and net-fishing there. Make sure your party has
good luck stats while doing so and you will almost always yield one or more
Pearl Shells. Alternatively, you can fight the Land Shell and Tentacles but 
it rarely yields any Pearl Shells.

10. How do I recruit Snowe?

- Once you have, go to Mordo Island and talk with the merchant there.
He will tell you about having spotted someone floating in the sea. Go back to
your ship, and sail to the west of Mordo Island. You will run into Snowe, 
marooned at sea and floating on a piece of wood. Ask him to join, and he will.

10b. I have all 107 characters, but I still can't get Snowe! Help!

- Snowe CANNOT be recruited if you have already made preparations for the 
final battle, so be sure to get him before hand! The same applies to Ted (4)
as well.

11. How do I recruit Ugetsu?

- To recruit Ugetsu, you must first recruit Rita (81), and around 75-80 other
characters. Once you have done this, SAIL to Na-Nal (don't teleport), and 
Ugetsu will be standing by the trading post.

12. What do rune pieces do? 

- Equipping a rune piece on a weapon adds that rune's element to the weapon's
attack. Equipping multiple rune pieces have no effect, and the rune piece that
you equip last will take effect. Basically, the amount of rune pieces attached
have no bearing on anything.

13. I left the fog ship the first time it became available, and now I can't
    find it!

- Sail around the Deserted and look for a white blot on your radar. Once you 
see it, sail into it and you'll re-enter the Fog Ship. 

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*4. MAIN MENU [MMNU]*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
The main menu is the menu you can access at any point in the game by pressing 
the square button. Below is a rough outline of the likeness of the menu, as 
well as an explanation of the various options and submenus.

 /            \
/ Main Menu    ____________________________________________________________|
  ____________   _____________________________  ___________________________
 / Items      | |    Character Name 1   || Character Name 2   |
|  Runes      | |    HP/HP       || HP/HP     |
|  Equipment  | |          MP Lv1 Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 || MP Lv1 Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 |
|  Status     | |          LVL.  # EXP. ###   || LVL.  # EXP. ###   |
|  Formation  | |_____________________________||___________________________|
|  Options    |  _____________________________  ____________________________
 \____________| |    Character Name 3   || Character Name 4   |
  _____________ |    HP     /     HP    || HP     /     HP    |
 /Anchor/Depart||      MP Lv1 Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 ||        MP Lv1 Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 |
| Save        ||          LVL.  # EXP. ###   ||        LVL.  # EXP. ###   |
  |         |  __________________________
  |         | |   HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS  |
  |      SUPPORT CHARACTER      | |__________________________|
  |         |  __________________________
  |_____________________________| |      AMOUNT OF POTCH     |

a. Items: Let's you view and use your items.  
 -Usable items: Healing and restorative items which can be used
 -Equippable items: Equipment (Head, Body, Hands and Feet)
 -Sealed Orbs: Orbs that have not yet been equipped on a character
  and become runes
 -Rune pieces: Rune items that can be attached to a weapon
 -Material: Material which can be used to create armor
 -Antiques: Items that have yet to be identified, or have been 
  identified by an appraiser
 -Tradable Items: Items that can be bought and sold at trading posts
 -Other: Miscellaneous Items 
 -Full Inventory: Complete list of all items
 -Rare Items: Items which are important to advancing the story
b. Runes: Let's you view and use runes equipped to characters
 -Character: Select a character to view or use the runes equipped on
  -Head: Rune currently attached to the character's head
  -Right: Rune currently attached to the charatcer's right hand
  -Left: Rune currently attached to the character's left hand
c. Equipment: Let's you view and equip equipment to your characters
 -Character: Select a character to view or change the equipment on
  -Head: Character's current head equipment
  -Body: Character's current body equipment
  -Hands: Character's current hand equipment
  -Feet: Character's current feet equipment
d. Status: Let's you view the current status of your characters
 -Character: Select a character to view the stats of
  -HP: Character's current Health Points #/#
  -MP: Character's current Magic Points #/#
   -LVL 1: Level 1 rune Magic Points #/#
   -LVL 2: Level 2 rune Magic Points #/#
   -LVL 3: Level 3 rune Magic Points #/#
   -LVL 4: Level 4 rune Magic Points #/#
  -LVL: Character's current level
  -EXP: Character's current amount of experience points for
        his/her level
  -ATK: Character's attack strength.
  -DEF: Character's defense strength.
  -STR: Character's physical attack strength
  -SKL: Character's skill, affects character's ability and
                      chances of counter-attacking, or getting critical hits. 
  -MAG: Character's magic attack strength
  -EVA: Character's evasion, or chance of dodging attacks.
  -PDF: Character's physical defense
  -MDF: Character's magic defense
  -SPD: Character's speed, how fast he/or she will execute a
  -LUC: Character's luck, affects anything in the game that is
                      determined randomly, such as mini-games and net-fishing.
e. Formation: Let's you order your character's battle formation, show current
    combo attacks available.
f. Options: Let's you adjust or choose various technical aspects of the game.
 -Display Message: Let's you adjust how message text is displayed
  -Scrolling: Messages display by scrolling.
  -Show All: All of the message is displayed instantly.
 -Camera Mode: Let's you adjust the camera.
  -Fixed: Camera is in a first-person perspective.
  -Free: Camera is in a third-person perspective, and follows
 -Set Vibration: Let's you turn on or off the Dual Shock vibrator.
 -BGM Volume: Let's you adjust the volume of the background music.
 -SFX Volume: Let's you adjust effects volume.
 -Voice Volume: Let's you adjust the volume of the voice acting.
 -Hero's Voice: Let's you choose the Hero's voice.
  -Voice A: Changes sound of the Hero's voice.
  -Voice B: Changes sound of the Hero's voice.
  -OFF: The Hero will have no voice.
g. Anchor: Available only when you are on a ship, allows you to anchor and
 explore the ship.
h. Depart: Available only when you are on a ship and anchored, allows you to 
 lift the anchor and set sail once again.
i. Save: Allows you to save your game.

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*5. NORMAL BATTLES [NMBA]*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

The normal battles of Suikoden IV are quite similar to its predecessors. The
encounters in the game or random, and can be encountered in dungeons, on the 
sea, or other places. After a victorious battle, you will be rewarded with 
money (Potch) and EXP (experience points). In order to gain a level, you must 
earn 1000 EXP. 

When you enter a battle, a menu will be displayed:


'Retreat' allows you to run from an encounter. If the enemy is much weaker 
than you, this option will be displayed as 'Release'. 'Potch' allows you to 
bribe an enemy, thus ending the battle, using any available Potch you have. 
'Rush' allows you to concentrate power into the Hero in order to unlease a 
powerful attack on all enemies, at the same time healing the Hero completely.
And 'Auto' will have all party members automatically attack using standard 
attacks. Later on in the game once you get a 'Slash Orb' and equip it, a new
command is added called 'Flashes'. It greatly cuts down the time battles takes
as it instantly kills weaker enemies that you come across.

And now we get to the option we're going to be most concerned about, 'Fight'.
Choosing fight will start the battle. In a battle, both you and your opponent
will enter commands which will be performed during one round. Since the battle
is not "back and forth" like most RPGs, where one side has a round and then
the other side does, you'll have to do some planning.

Anyway, once you select 'Fight', another menu will appear.


'Attack 'will initiate a character's standard attack using whatever weapon 
they have equipped. 'Defend' will make a character go into a defensive mode, 
reducing the damage that is incurred. 'Rune' allows a character to currently 
use a magic spell associated with whatever rune or runes is attached to that 
character. 'Item' allows you to use an item which rejuvenates either HP or MP.
'Combo' allows to characters to execute a combo attack. In order to have a 
combo attack available, you must have certain characters in your party 
which have a combo attack available between them. The available combo attacks

a.                              ~ COMBO ATTACKS ~                          

| CHARACTERS                        | COMBO ATTACK                           |
Hero and Snowe (beginning of game)  | Friendship Attack                      |
Hero and Snowe (end of game)        | True Friendship Attack                 |
Hero and Kika                       | Double Sword Attack                    |
Ted and Aldo                        | Bow and Arrow Attack                   |
Mizuki and Akaghi                   | Ninja Attack                           |
Reinback and Charlemagne            | Love Love Attack                       |
Katarina and Konrad                 | Sorcerer Attack                        |
Sigurd and Hervey                   | Pirate Attack                          |
Shiramine and Ugetsu                | Fisherman Attack                       |
Karl and Helga                      | Physical Attack                        |
Mitsuba and Selma                   | Giant Sword Attack                     |
Lino En Kuldes and Flare            | Family Attack                          |
Dario and Gau                       | Berserker Attack                       |
Pablo and Warlock                   | Master/Pupil Attack                    |
Mizuki, Kate, and Akaghi            | True Ninja Attack                      |
Helmut, Sigurd, and Hervey          | Adonis Attack                          |
Trishtan, Jeremy, and Travis        | Reverse Adonis Attack                  |
Lino En Kuldes, Eugene, and Rachel  | Spear Attack                           |
Lo Fong, Lo Hak, Lo Seng            | Sibling Attack                         |
Bartholemew, Oman, and Reinhold     | Silver Attack                          |
Chiepoo, Nalkul, and Champo         | Meow Attack                            |
Rita, Viki, and Millay              | Nymph Attack                           |
Gretchen, Jeane, and Kika           | Allure Attack                          |
Jeane, Ameria, Kika                 | Beauty Attack                          |
Izak, Axel, and Selma               | Giant Sword Attack                     |
Ted, Aldo, and Flare                | Barrage Attack                         |
Ted, Lo Hak, and Flare              | Barrage Attack 2                       |
Ted, Aldo, and Frederica            | Barrage Attack 3                       |
Ted, Lo Hak, and Frederica          | Barrage Attack 4                       |
Keneth, Paula, Tal, and Jewel       | Knight Attack                          |

b.                              ~ STATUS EFFECTS ~

Balloon - Still one of the most awesome status effects in an RPG. If you are
          afflicted with balloon, and you are hit several times in battle you
          will be, uhm, flown (?) out of battle - but don't worry! You can 
          still retrieve your character back at the ship after the battle.
Berserk - When a character is berserked, he or she deals more damage to the
          enemy, but also seems to take some more damage. Characters become
          berserk either through having a Fury or Violence (after two turns) 
          Orb attached, or when a character dies in battle (the chances are 
          greater if the dead character has a close relationship in the story
          to another character.)
Charm   - You can charm an enemy by using Jeane's Charm Rune. While charmed,
          an enemy will turn against its allies.
Poison  - When poisoned, a character will lose a tiny percentage of their HP
          during every round. Easily cured by an antidote. 
Silence - When silenced, the character cannot use any Rune magic.
Sleep   - As in every other RPG in the history of the universe, a character
          who is asleep is rendered immobile until woken up (which is done
          when a character is attacks by someone else in your party or by an
          enemy, or by using a sleep-curing item.)

c.                      ~ SUPPORT CHARACTER EFFECTS ~

Appraise - Automatically appraises '?' items at the end of a battle.
           Characters: Deborah, Nabokov       
    Best character: Any            
Cook  - Allows you to earn 'food' items at the end of a battle.
           Characters: Kevin, Pam, Funghi
           Best character: Any
Discovered Money - Increases the amount of Potch gained after battle.
           Characters: Noah, Basil, Gunter
           Best character: Noah
Found Treasure - Increases chances of earning treasure at the end of a battle.
           Characters: Nalleo, Cedric, Oskar, Igor
           Best character: Oskar
Healing - Restores some HP to all the characters in party at the end of each 
           Characters: Yu, Carrie, Ema, Louise, Gary, Rikie
           Best character: Yu   

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*6. NAVAL BATTLES [NVBA]*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

Naval battles are a new feature to Suikoden IV, and replace the old ground
battles that were seen in Suikoden I, II and III.

You will choose characters for three different positions - Captain, mages for 
the cannons, and fighters for the boarding party. For captains, the key stat
is their mobility. The higher a captain's mobility, the faster and more often
your ship will be able to move and execute a command during battle. For the 
rune cannons, make sure to choose someone whose element is strong against that 
of your opponent's. The five elements in Suikoden IV are Fire, Water, Wind, 
Earth, and Lightning. Fire is stronger than Wind, Wind is stronger than Earth, 
Earth is stronger than Lightning, Lightning is stronger than Water, Water is 
stronger than fire.

(Fire > Wind > Earth > Lightning > Water).

Then there is your boarding party. In this group you should place your 
strongest and best fighters, with preferably high HP. Your boarding party can
not use runes, items, or the command patch or retreat - so avoid bringing 

Finally, in addition to the three positions of captain, rune cannon, and 
boarding party, you must also choose a number of Underlings. The greater the 
number of Underlings, the longer your ship can hold out in a battle. However,
the more Underlings you have, the less maneuverable your ship will be. 

Now, enough about the preparations, onto the battles themselves! The naval 
battles in Suikoden IV are arranged on a grid. At the start of the turn, press
'X' and you will open up the menu. You are given four choices:

Detailed Report

You will see that some of the squares on the grid are colored. Blue squares 
indicate squares which you can move onto, while yellow squares indicate the
range of your Rune Cannon. Select a blue square, then turn your ship to face a
direction using the analog sticks or the D-pad if you are in range with your
rune cannon. Press 'X', and fire the cannon! 

Once it's your ememy's turn to move, you have the option to counter the attack
your enemy launches. The same rules that govern the elements when attacking 
apply to your counter as well. Simply choose a cannon to counter-attack with,
and if its rune is stronger than your enemy cannon's rune, you will take no 
damage and will instead damage the enemy. If you choose a cannon whose rune is
weaker than your enemy's, you will take damage and your enemy will take none.
If you choose an element that is the same as your enemy's (Lightning vs.
Lightning, for example) neither of you will take any damage. 

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*7. DUEL BATTLES [DUBA]*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

Duels are battles fought one-on-one between the Hero and an opponent. The
system used in the battles is basically a variation of Rock-Paper-Scissors. 
The flow of a duel battles goes like this; you and your opponent have three 
different possible actions you can execute at the start of a round: Attack, 
Special Attack, and Guard. 'Attack' executes a normal attack, which is 
counterable by Special Attacks, which nullify any damage from Attacks, and 
instead inflict some damage on the opponent instead. Attacks will break 
through a Guard, however. 'Guard' puts the Hero into a defensive mode, where
he will take reduced damage from an Attack, and deflect some damage from a
Special Attack back onto the opponent. 'Special Attack' executes just that, a
special attack that will break through a normal Attack, but is countered by 

Basically, just think of the battle system of duels as Rock-Paper Scissors:

  Attack    >   Guard    >   Special Attack   >    Attack
(Scissors)     (Paper)           (Rock)          (Scissors)

The second aspect of duels are the dialogue that your opponents will say which
provide key clues as to what move they will be using next. For example, if an
opponent says "Pay close attention to my swordsmanship", we can logically
conclude that he is about to use an attack of some kind on you, rather than 
guarding. Each opponent has a collection of several pieces of dialogue, each 
piece having a corresponding action that the opponent will perform after
saying it. Learn what each indicates and use it to your advantage.

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*8. WALKTHROUGH [WKTR]*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

The primary headings in the walkthrough will be LOCATION, NAVAL BATTLE, DUEL 
BATTLE, and BOSS BATTLE. The LOCATION and NAVAL BATTLE headings will have a
code beside them: LOC and NVB, respectively. Under each heading will be 
subheadings which give pertinent information relating to the listed event. 
Later in the walkthrough, I will include a new subheading under LOCATION 
which will show what characters are available to be recuited at this point in
the game, and their corresponding Star of Destiny number. The Stars of Destiny
will be listed in the CHARACTERS section, and an explanation as to how to 
recruit them will be given.

a.                                ~ WALKTHROUGH ~

As the game opens, we find our hero looking out upon the sea on board a 
gallant vessel. You will be alerted that an enemy ship is approaching, and you
will begin your first battle (which happens to be a naval one).

                        ~ NAVAL BATTLE: FIRST ENGAGEMENT ~              [NVB1]

CAPTAIN:       ???
RANGE:         3
RUNE CANNONS:  Water, Lightning

Your first battle of the game, and it's a simple one. Your enemy's primary 
weapon is the water cannon, so be sure to choose Keneth, as he has a lightning
rune. Move up two squares so as to be within range of hitting the ship with
your rune cannon, adjust your ship to face either to the right or the left,
select the rune cannon, and fire it on him!

Your opponenet will then get two turns, in which you can counter him. For me,
his first volley was from the Lightning Rune cannon, which nullified damage 
for both sides, while his second volley was from the water cannon, which your
lightning rune cannon will counter, harming him. By this point he should have
quite a low number of underlings left, and on your next turn you can finish
easily with a volley from your lightning rune cannon.


You will then fight your first party battle of the game versus two enemies, 
while Snowe explains the battle basics to you, if you want him to. If you say
you don't need  any help, you will fight the battle on your own. Either way,
the battle is quite easy. If you let Snowe fight, he will give a short 
tutorial on the battle system.. Simply follow his instructions and victory is
yours! Next you will fight ???, revealed to be Glen in your first Duel Battle
of the game.

                              ~ DUEL BATTLE: GLEN ~                     

Another easy battle, you simply have to pay attention to what he says and use
the appropriate counter to what he implies he will do in his dialogue. Glen 
will say six things (as will all duel battles henceforth...):

- "'Now it's my turn." - Glen will 'Attack'. 
- "Pay close attention to my swordsmanship." - Glen will 'Attack'.
- "Let's see how well you can wield that sword." - Glen will 'Guard'.
- "My next move will settle this, once and for all." - Glen will use 'Special 
- "Prepare to get beaten to a pulp!" - Glen will use 'Special Attack'.
- "Charge at me and don't hold anything back!" - Glen will 'Guard'.

A quick reminder on the way duels work. You have three options, Attack, Guard,
and Special Attack. 'Attack' will break through if an opponent is guarding,
but will be stopped and countered by a Special Attack. 'Guard' will put you in
a defensive mode, reducing much of the damage from your enemy's attack, and 
deflecting some back onto the enemy. 'Special Attack' will completely counter
an 'Attack', and inflict damage on your opponent. However, they are quite 
ineffective against an opponent that is guarding. 

Thus, to defeat Glen, simply use the respective move which counters his move. 
If he indicates in his dialogue that he will be using 'Attack', counter it 
with a Special Attack. 


After the battle, you will have your first opportunity in the game to do some
roaming. Talk to fellow shipmates, familiarize yourself with the menu, all 
that good stuff. You will then be given a formal introduction of sorts to the 
game through a credits roll and cutscene. You will then find yourself in...

                 ~ LOCATION: CITY; RAZRIL AND HALL OF KNIGHTS ~         [LOC1] 

Thug, Snobby Shrew, Kidnapper, Kidnapper Underling, Trainee

Water Orb, Old Book Vol. 9, Treasure Map x 2, Mushroom, Steamed Bun, 
        Medicine x 2, Cough Drop

~ Armor Shop ~  
        Sandals, 70 Potch
        Gloves, 120 Potch
        Stomach Band, 150 Potch
        Bandana, 80 Potch
~ Equipment Shop ~
        Medicine, 20 Potch
        Antitoxin, 50 Potch
        Needle, 50 Potch
~ Rune Shop ~ 
        Fire Orb, 200 Potch
        Water Orb, 200 Potch
~ Inn ~
~ Appraiser Shop ~


Once you debark at the city, enter the Hall of Knights. Once there, enter the
first room to your right (Audience Chamber), and open the treasure chest to
find the 'Old Book Vol. 9'. Go back out, and into the main hall, and enter the
next room to the right. Enter the Hero's room, open the chest containing a
'Steamed Bun' and 'Water Orb'. Save your game at the save point if you wish.
There are some other rooms connected to the Hallway which you can explore, but
they contain nothing. Continue on to the Training Hall, the entrance being 
next to Katarina. Listen to Glen's speech, then return back to the harbor, and
enter the door towards the right of the harbor and begin the Kindling Ritual. 
Simply light the torches of everyone who has one along the road. Once you 
reach the courtyard where the celebration is held and picnic tables are 
scattered about, talk to everyone, then head back towards the harbor Talk to
the Nay-Kobold (cat-man), and he'll tell you of an urgent event that must be
taken care of. Head back to where the celebration was held, and choose two 
additional characters to take with you and Snowe. You can choose between Tal,
Keneth, Paula, or Jewel. Head towards the road to the right of the screen. 
Along this route you will encounter two types of enemy pirates, Thugs and 
Snobby Shrews, both of which pose little challenge. Grab the treasure chest to 
the left containing a 'Mushroom'. When you come to a large courtyard, head 
left, and on the left side you should spot a small notch that contains the 
pirate kidnappers and their abductee. Defeat the pirates and rescue the girl. 
If you chose Keneth, one blast of his Lightning rune will dispose of them 
easily. If not, a continuous string of attacks will finish them quickly also! 
Search behind the crate where the girl was to find a 'Treasure Map'. Continue 
back towards the Hall of Knights, and along the way talk to the cat (not the 
Kobold, the small kind), pet it, and you will receive a 'Medicine'. When Snowe
asks you if you want to sleep, answer affirmatively. 

Exit the Hall of Knights, join back up with Snowe, then head on over to the 
Training Hall towards the back. Here you can do some sparring with some of
your fellow knights, and you will receive some good experience. Talk to one of
your comrades and you will be asked to choose two party members from the same
group as earlier: Keneth, Paula, Tal, or Jewel. I personally chose Keneth and

Your crew is now ready to embark on their first mission! Head down to the dock
and do some shopping. Purchase a 'Fire Orb' for Hero and equip it, as well as
some new armor. In the equipment shop, search the chairs on the left side to
get a 'Medicine'. In the road to the left of the Rune shop, talk to one of the
men who are walking and he will give you a 'Cough Drop'. Head out past where 
the Kindling Ritual took place and go inside the Inn to find a second Treasure 
Map. Head back to the main harbor where your ship is located, and take to the 
sea for your patrol.

At this point, you are given the option of which one of two missions you want
to do first. You can choose to do both, but if you only want to do one, I 
suggest the Middleport mission as it will yield you more Potch and experience.

                 ~ LOCATION: WORLD MAP; RAZRIL TO MIDDLEPORT ~          [LOC2]

Wild Seaweed, Muddy Fish

Medicine x 5



Your first time being able to sail the open seas! 

First, anchor yourself by accessing the menu and selecting the 'Anchor' 
option. This allows you to explore the ship, inside of which you will find a
treasure chest containing Medicine x 5. Now for the missions...

For the Middleport mission, you need simply sail there and deliver the letter 
to the nearest knight, after which you will be rewarded 1000 potch. For the
other mission, you must fight 3 battles around Razril's island. After you have
completed at least one of the missions, you can return to Razril and be sent 
on your next mission (also to Middleport) if you are at least Level 5. 

                          ~ LOCATION: CITY; MIDDLEPORT ~                [LOC3]


Treasure Map, Mushroom, Fancy Console, Antitoxin

~ Trading Post ~
        Bad Iron Ore
 Bad Gold Ore
 Bad Cotton Cloth
 Normal Cotton Cloth
 Bad Wool Cloth
 Native Costume
 Deer Antler
 Ancient Text
 Herbal Medicine
 Flower Seed 
~ Appraiser Shop ~
~ Armor Shop ~ 
~ Equipment Shop ~ 
~ Smithy ~
~ Lottery ~
~ Inn ~ 


When you arrive, talk to the two men you see when you first get off the dock.
They will explain to you that a sea monster has appeared, and will request 
that you go and do something about it. But first, let's have a look around the
town. Follow the one available street until you get to the courtyard. You will
find a treasure chest containing 500 potch by the shops. Buy any equipment or
items you might need. Talk with Gunter to play a dice mini-game. The game is 
completely luck based, so give it a shot if your horoscope was good today.
Head down the 'Back Street' by where Gunter is standing to find a treasure 
chest containing a 'Mushroom'. In the barrel at the far end of this street you
will find an 'Antitoxin'. In the Inn, search the barrels in the right corner 
for a 'Treasure Map'. Go up the staircase to the Lord's Mansion. At the top, 
to your right will be a chest containing a 'Fancy Console'. Now it's time to 
hunt down that sea monster. Head back to your ship, talk to the knight, and 
climb aboard.

                       ~ LOCATION: WORLD MAP; MIDDLEPORT ~              [LOC4]

Damp Hairball, Wild Seaweed, Muddy Fish




Simply sail until you get into a battle. This battle will be against...

                         ~ BOSS BATTLE: DAMP HAIRBALL ~                 

HP: 200
POTCH: 500
ITEMS: ? Pot


This battle can be difficult if you're still at level 5, but you should be 
fine. Pummel the Damp Hairball with Hero and Snowe's 'Friendship Attack', as 
it does considerably more damage than both character's individual attack put
together. Use any available attack runes in addition and he should go down 
fairly quickly.

The Damp Hairball's biggest attack is a move which will hit all of your 
character's for 20-30 damage, depending on your current level. Just make sure
that you keep your HP in the 30s range at all times using someone's water rune
or use Medicines when needed.


Return to Middleport and talk to the man standing by the knight. He will give
you a reward of 2000 Potch for doing away with the Damp Hairball. There's not
much more you can do in Middleport for now, so return to Razril.

Enter the Hall of Knights to be assigned to your next mission. Talk to Snowe
when you're ready. This will be your last opportunity to take care of anything
else that is needed in Razril and Middleport for a bit, so prepare yourself. 
When you're completely ready, enter the Audience Chamber and talk with Ramada.

                ~ LOCATION: WORLD MAP; RAZRIL TO ILUYA ISLAND ~         [LOC5]

Gaien Soldier, Wild Seaweed, Muddy Fish


~ Equipment Shop ~
 Medicine, 20 Potch
 Antitoxin, 50 Potch
 Needle, 50 Potch


Chart your course northeast towards Iluya Island, and set sail. After a bit of
sailing a quick cutscene will occur, and you will find yourself on the ship. 
You can do some easy sparring with a Gaien Soldier towards the back of the 
ship, and inside of the ship you can buy basic items from a man's Equipment 
Shop. Talk to Snowe once you're ready to continue.

                          ~ NAVAL BATTLE: PIRATE BRANDEAU ~             [NVB2]

CAPTAINS: Brandeau, Pirate Captain
RANGE: 3, 2
RUNE CANNONS: Lightning, Fire


Don't be too intimidated by the fact that you'll be facing two ships. For your
Rune Cannons, choose a Water Rune character, and an Earth Rune character, as
one enemy ship has a Lightning Rune, and the other Earth. Fill in your 
boarding party, start the battle, and simply move your ship to the right, and 
within range of Brandeau's ship. Fire on it using the Earth cannon, and 
counter with the Earth. That's one ship gone. Rinse and repeat against the 
other ship, only this time using the Fire Rune.

                    ~ BOSS BATTLE: Brandeau and Assassin ~

HP: 180, 170
POTCH: 450


This battle can be hard if you find yourself acting carelessly. The duo's
attacks pack a punch, especially Brandeau's. Your partner, the Gaien Soldier,
is largely expendable, so if he dies it's no real loss. Simply use normal 
attacks on him, as you really have no other options. If you find yourself
below 45 HP or so, be careful, because you can find yourself dead on the next
turn after a blast from Brandeau's rune, so keep yourself above 50 or so HP
using some Medicines. 

                           ~ DUEL BATTLE: Brandeau ~

Remember the rules of dueling? They will apply once again in this battle, as
they will in every duel. When Brandeau says...

- "I will settle this..." - Brandeau will use 'Special Attack'
- "Hah, Child's play! Allow me to humor you." - Brandeau will use 'Guard'.
- "Your attacks are futile... Don't you realize that?" - Brandeau will use 
- "I'll kill you!" - Brandeau will use 'Special Attack'.
- "Don't get cocky, boy!" - Brandeau will 'Attack'.
- "Victory is mine..." - Brandeau will 'Attack'.

Counter with the appropriate action. 


After the cutscenes, you will find yourself back in your room in Razril. Talk 
to Snowe, and head down to the Equipment Shop to get some Mega Medicine. Enter
the Kitchen, get the Commander's meal, then bring it and the Mega Medicine to
his room. Exit the Hall of Knights, talk to your comrades and the knight on 
the harbor, and then...

                            ~ NAVAL BATTLE: RETRIBUTION ~               [NVB3]

CAPTAINS: Dario, Pirate Captain
RANGE: 3, 3
RUNE CANNONS: Wind and Fire, Fire


You're up against two ships, one with a Wind Rune and a Fire Rune, and one
with only a Fire Rune. A character with a Water Rune is the obvious choice for
the cannons, and your second can be either Earth or Lightning, as Wind is weak
to Fire. An easy battle.


Back in Razril, go to the Commander's room. Go to your room and sleep. Go to 
the kitchen once again, and take the meal to the Commander. Defeat the 
pirates, enter the Hall of Knights, and make your way to the rooftop.

Run towards the light, Hero, run towards the light...

You are now an outcast and an exile, the Rune of Punishment eternally bound to
one of the Hero's freakishly large hands...

                        ~ LOCATION: OCEAN; EXILE SHIP ~                 [LOC6]

Steamed Bun x 10, Medicine x 10

Fly Lizard

2 out of these 4: Keneth, Paula, Tal, Jewel (12 and 14), and Chiepoo (11)

~ Chiepoo's Shop ~ 
Medicine, 20 Potch
Broiled Fish, 100 Potch
Macakarel Miso Stew, 150 Potch
Jizo Clock, 500 Potch


Anchor your ship, open the chest containing 'Steamed Bun x 10' and Medicine
x 10'. Talk to Chiepoo to access his modest shop, if you need to. Set sail and
fight two random battles, and after the cutscenes you will find yourself 
aboard another ship.

                       ~ LOCATION: OCEAN; MERCHANT SHIP ~               [LOC7]

Treasure Map

Kooluk Soldiers



Search the table in the cabin for a Treasure Map.

                         ~ BOSS BATTLE: Colton and ??? ~

HP: ???


This battle is unwinnable, you are supposed to lose. Don't waste any items
and just let yourself be killed.


Fight two battles against the Kooluk Soldiers to advance the story.

Back on your ship, sail until you fight another random battle...

                          ~ BOSS BATTLE: Water Dragon ~

HP: 1300
POTCH: 1000
ITEMS: Dragon Scale, Dragon Bone


The Water Dragon's primary attack is quite weak, but it will put the character
it hits asleep. Its biggest attack hits your entire party for 40-50 damage, 
so keep your HP safely above this level. Use the Punishment Rune's 'Eternal
Sword' spell, and any other attack spells you have to defeat it. 

                          ~ LOCATION: DESERTED ISLAND ~                 [LOC8]

Lucky Ring, Necklace, Water Amulet, Guard Ring

Wild Crab, Pearl Crab, Giant Bat

~ Chiepoo's Shop ~ 
        Medicine, 20 Potch
 Broiled Fish, 100 Potch
 Macakarel Miso Stew, 150 Potch
 Jizo Clock, 500 Potch


Talk to your party members and explore the four other areas of the island 
besides the Beach. At the back of the Cave, in the Subterranean Lake, you will
find a Recovery Point. At the back of the Dense Forest on the Hill you will
find a treasure chest containing a 'Necklace.' Return to the beach and you will
assign your other characters the job of collecting either Wood, Rope, or 
Coconuts. The Coconuts are on the far left side of the island, the Rope is
scattered along the beach, and the Wood you will find as a point of glowing 
light on different trees inside the Dense Forest. After you've collected your
items, go into the Cave and to the Subterranean Lake for a cutscene, then pick
up the item. Go back to the beach, and to the far right area where you will 
end your day and sleep for the night.

You must repeat this exact same process two more times for two more days. 

                     ~ BOSS BATTLE: Boss Crab, Wild Crabs ~

HP: 1300, 90
POTCH: 3280


For the first part of the battle, conserve magic and kill off the Wild Crabs 
with normal attacks, and after three or four turns you'll be prompted to use
'the rune'. Do so. Now the real part of the battle begins.

First use an attack spell which hits all enemies so that you can dispose of
the six Wild Crabs instantly. Then, unleash your most powerful spells on the
Boss Crab. The crab has a powerful attack which hits your entire party for 
around 60 damage. Make sure your HP is fairly high at all times as a result,
especially for the hero as you will be using the spell Eternal Sword often. 


Sail around, and after two random battles...

                         ~ BOSS BATTLE: Killer Rays ~

HP: 900
POTCH: 1600
ITEMS: Water Rune Piece, Jizo Clock, Mega Medicine


Not a hard battle, focus on killing one of the rays first, as they have a team
attack which can hit your party for some big damage. As usual, attack runes 
and Eternal Sword will kill one of them quickly, and the rest of the battle is
a piece of cake after that. 

                     ~ LOCATION: OCEAN; OBEL PATROL SHIP ~              [LOC9]

ITEMS: Treasure Map


Search one of the tables inside the cabin to find another 'Treasure Map'.


Treasure Map, Soap, Lottery Ticket


Desmond (100), Louise (101), Chadli (108), Tov (70)

~ Armor Shop ~
 Shoes, 120 Potch
 Knee Socks, 350 Potch
 Anklet, 400 Potch
 Iron Boots, 500 Potch
 Wristbands, 250 Potch
 Bangle, 250 Potch
 Kite Shield, 3500 Potch
 Tunic, 120 Potch
 Chain Mail, 350 Potch
 Happi Coat, 600 Potch
 Wool Loincloth, 700 Potch
 Corset, 800 Potch
 Iron Mail, 1600 Potch
 Linen Outfit, 1500 Potch
 Forehead Guard, 120 Potch
 Circlet, 120 Potch
 Iron Helm, 500 Potch
 Guard Ring, 2000 Potch
 Counter Ring, 20000 Potch
 (Bargain Items):
 Paw Shoes, 3000 Potch
 Thunder God's Garb, 22000 Potch
 Pirate Bandana, 1300 Potch
 Master's Wristband, 2000 Potch
 Battle Suit, 4000 Potch
~ Rune Shop ~
 Sunbeam Orb, 1000 Potch
 Lightning Orb, 500 Potch
 Earth Orb, 500 Potch
 Water Orb, 500 Potch
~ Equipment Shop ~
 Medicine, 20 Potch
 Mega Medicine, 150 Potch
 Antitoxin, 50 Potch
 Escape Talisman, 200 Potch
 Jizo Clock, 500 Potch
 Thunder Amulet, 2200 Potch
~ Trading Post ~
 Bad Gold Ore
 Bad Cotton Cloth
 Bad Flax Cloth
 Soy Sause
 Crystal Ball
 Native Costume
 Holly Berry
 Deer Antler
 Herbal Medicine
~ Appraiser Shop ~
~ Lottery Shop ~
~ Smithy ~
~ Inn ~

Once you're on the docks, search a barrel to the far right to get yet another
'Treasure Map'. Proceed onwards into the city.

Upgrade any of your equipment that you need to, as the Kingdom of Obel has
every store you'd ever want in it. Talk to the girl by the Lottery shop to get
a 'Lottery Ticket'. Talk to one of the women who are washing clothes in the
area under the Armor Shop and Smithy to get a 'Soap'. Make your way to the 
palece and talk to Setsu inside. Head towards the east side of the castle, up
the Cliff Path, and into your new headquarters! Go up to the second floor to
your room and sleep. Now, finally, at this point the real game begins and you
can begin actual character recruitment for the 108 Stars of Destiny! Exit your

From this point, you can choose to go straight on to the Ruins, or you can
explore some of the islands in your vicinity, pick up a couple of characters,
and get some items among other things. If you choose to do some exploring,
head north to...

                            ~ LOCATION: MORDO ISLAND ~                 [LOC11]

Window Set x 4, Treasure Map

Rodent Leader, Killer Rodent, Yellow Rodent, Fly Lizard

~ Trading Post ~        
 Bad Iron Ore
 Normal Iron Ore
 Bad Silver Ore
 Bad Gold Ore
 Normal Gold Ore
 Bad Cotton Cloth
 Bad Wool Cloth
 Soy Sauce
 Crystal Ball
 Deer Antler
 Herbal Medicine


Talk to the informant if you want, and go to the trading post. Behind it is a
treasure chest containing 'Window Set x 4'. There is a hot spring here which 
allows you to recover lost HP and MP. Search the objects to the right of the
spring for a 'Treasure Map'. When you're ready to leave, hop on your ship and
head slightly northeast to get to...


NOTE: From this point on in the walkthrough, I will include a section under
the LOCATION heading which will show what characters are available to be 
recruited at this point. I will give their name, followed by a number, which 
is their place on the Stars of Destiny list. Refer to this number in the list
to see how to recruit this character.


Wool Loincloth, Treasure Map x 4, Old Book Vol. 6, Old Book vol. 3

Golden Wolf, Killer Fly

Perrault (83)

~ Trading Post ~ (Nay-Kobold Settlement)
~ Appraiser ~ (Nay-Kobold Settlement)
~ Smithy ~ (Nay)
~ Inn ~ (Nay)


Head down the first steps you see when you arrive and you will find a chest
containing a 'Wool Loincloth'. Go up to the next section, to the Village
Chief's house. Search his bookcase for a 'Treasure Map'. In the same area, far
to the left and opposite the Chief's house, there is a chest with another 
'Treasure Map'. Head up further to the Inn. In one of the rooms on the left  
side, open the chest for yet ANOTHER 'Treasure Map' (phew...). Search the 
bookcase by the Inn Keeper and you will find the 'Old Book vol. 6'. Head back
to the dock where you first entered Nay, and you will see stairs to the right 
leading up. Go through Stonecutter's Field, pick up the treasure chest to the
right behind one of the rocks there containing a 'Treasure Map', and continue
through the bridge, and finally you will arrive in the Nay-Kobold Settlement.

In the Trading Post, talk to Perrault and he will join up. The informant here 
will tell you that Silver Ore is popular right now in Na-Nal, so take his 
advice and load up on it. There is a Hot Spring to recover at at the top of 
the city. Go around the left side of the Hot Spring to the back, and search
the tree for a 'Treasure Map'. Go into Bartholomew's house, you will find a 
chest with the 'Old Book vol. 3' at the top. Go back to your boat, and head 

                           ~ LOCATION: NA-NAL ISLAND ~                 [LOC13]

Treasure Map x 4, Stone of Strength

Paradise Bee

Mitsuba (13), Reinhold (14), Rita (15)

~ Equipment Shop ~
 Medicine, 20 Potch
 Mega Medicine, 150 Potch
 Antitoxin, 50 Potch
 Cough Drop, 50 Potch
 Needle, 50 Potch
 Escape Talisman, 200 Potch
 Jizo Clock, 500 Potch
 (Bargain Items):
 Lightning Rune Piece, 500 Potch
~ Armor Shop ~ 
 Leg Armor, 700 Potch
 Silver Bracers, 3000 Potch
 Wool Mittens, 500 Potch
 Wool Robe, 2600 Potch
 Wool Vest, 2100 Potch
 Silver Chain, 3600 Potch
 Wool Hat, 700 Potch
 Silver Circlet, 2000 Potch
 Lucky Ring, 20000 Potch
 Speed Ring, 20000 Potch
 (Bargain Items):
 Noble's Hat, 9500 Potch
 Paw Gloves, 5000 Potch
~ Rune Shop ~
 Medicine Orb, 5000 Potch
 Killer Orb, 500 Potch
 Alert Orb, 10000 Potch
 Wind Orb, 500 Potch
 Water Orb, 500 Potch
 Fire Orb, 500 Potch
~ Trading Post ~
 Bad Silver Ore
 Normal Silver Ore
 Bad Flax Cloth
 Bad Wool Cloth
 Crystal Ball
 Native Costume
 Ancient Text
~ Inn ~


Search the basket on the beach for a 'Treasure Map'. Open the chest behind the
boat, and you will fight a Golden Hairball. After you defeat it, you will get 
another 'Treasure Map'. Enter the town (Na-Nal), to the left you will find an
Equipment Shop and a hot spring, to the right you will find an Inn. Here you 
can recruit Rita (15). Go back outside, and continue onward. Search the crates
at the left of the Armor Shop for a 'Treasure Map'. Go to the Rune Shop if you
wish and search the table to the right for a 'Treasure Map', then continue
forward and talk to Reinhold (14). Then talk to Mitsuba (13), duel her and 
recruit them both. It's time to head back to Obel, stopping to heal at Mordo
Island if need be.

                      ~ LOCATION: CITY; KINGDOM OF OBEL ~              [LOC14]

Cedric (20), Lilin (97), Ornan (64)

                       ~ LOCATION: DUNGEON; OBEL RUINS ~               [LOC15]

Thunder Amulet, Magic Hand, 5000 Potch, Window Set 2, One-Piece Dress,
Treasure Map, Mushroom x 3, Mega Medicine x 4, Escape Talisman, Golden Hammer

Unicorn, Jellyman, Angel Hairball

Ragki (32), Rikie (33)


Head forward and into the next area. Head down and to the left for a chest
with a 'Thunder Amulet'. Head back and to the left under the stairs for a 
chest with 5000 Potch. Go all the way back up the stairs and to the left and
into the new area. Go to the right and grab the chest with the 'Magic Hand'. 
Head back and go forward (the left path of the intersection). Follow the path 
to the next area. Follow the path straight ahead to a treasure chest. The 
chest contains an extremely powerful enemy called an Angel Hairball which is
most likely too difficult for you to challenge at this stage in the game. Come
back here later in the game, and when you do defeat it, you get the 'Golden 
Hammer'. Head back and to the left, grabbing the chest with the 'One-Piece 
Dress'. Go right and follow the path to the next area. Head up the stairs and
go right. Open the chest, inside is a 'Window Set 2'. Keep going up the stairs
and save your game at the save point.

                                ~ BOSS BATTLE: Guard ~

HP: 1500
POTCH: 1000
ITEMS: Platinum, Good Luck Cat


A fairly easy boss. He has a couple of powerful attack, one which deals 70-90 
damage to everyone in your party, the other which does around 100-110 to one 
character. Just use your most powerful attack on him, and keep your HP above
100 or so and he'll go down soon enough.


Go right, follow the path to the next area. Go right, open the chest with a 
'Mega Medicine'. Go back and head straight to the next area. Now go right, and
finally you arrive at your final destination. Examine the tree where Ragki and
Rikie are for a 'Treasure Map'.

                               ~ BOSS BATTLE: Guard ~

HP: 2000
POTCH: 1500
ITEMS: Diamond, Iron Hammer


Uh oh, Guard redux is here. He's not that much stronger than the first one 
however, his attack do slightly more damage but its nothing to really worry 
about. Keep doing what you did last time.


Head back to the harbor, and get on board your ship. Sail towards the white 
blot on your compass, where you will find another ship. For the blot to 
appear, you must have recruited 10+ characters at this time. Time for battle!

                          ~ LOCATION: MERCHANT SHIP ~                  [LOC16]

ENEMIES: Captain's Staff


Fight the Captain's Staff, they are about the equivalent of normal enemies 
and easy to take down.

                         ~ NAVAL BATTLE: PIRATE DARIO ~                 [NVB4]



Choose a person for the Rune Cannons who has a Fire Rune. That's about it... 
the battle is a cakewalk. Your attacks will either be neutralized on both 
sides if Dario fires a Fire cannon, or it will be deflected back, harming 
him if he uses the Wind cannon. 

                        ~ LOCATION: CITY; OBEL KINGDOM ~               [LOC17]

Go back to Obel, and you will get a message saying that Desmond has requested
to see you. Head over to your Headquarters and talk with him. Now it's off to
Nay Island.

                            ~ LOCATION: NAY ISLAND ~                   [LOC18]



You can find the inventor you're looking for, Oleg (82), across the bridge 
next to the Inn, overlooking the ocean. Talk to him, then spend the night at
the Inn. The next day, head back across the bridge to where you first met 
Oleg. Go back down to the harbor and onto the ship, and head back to Obel.

                        ~ LOCATION: CITY; OBEL KINGDOM ~               [LOC19]

CHARACTERS: Ramada (15), Akaghi (62), Mizuki (63)


Go to the Palace and talk with the king. Then head towards your Headquarters.

                          ~ BOSS: Mizuki and Akaghi ~

HP: 600
Potch: 670
Items: None


Not difficult, just let loose your strongest runes such as Soaring Bolt and
Eternal Ordeal.


Return to the palace, and then your Headquarters. *gasp*! Yet another attack!
Use the rune...

                       ~ NAVAL BATTLE: DEFENDING OBEL ~                 [NVB5]

CAPTAINS: Kooluk Captain, Kooluk Captain (2 ships)
RANGE: 3, 3
RUNES: Fire and Wind, Wind and Earth


Equip your ship with two Fire runes as everything that is shot at you will be
neutralized or deflected except for Earth, where damage will be spread 
evenly. One of the ships might try to board you. Don't let this happen, as the
Kooluk Soldiers on board can be quite deadly if you're at a slightly low
level, or if you're boarding party is missing your strongest fighters. 


Run towards the light... run....

You wake up back at good ol' Headquarters. Head to the Saloon, then back out 
to the Cliff Path. Turn around and go back into the Headquarters, and head to
the War Room.

So, your Headquarters is actually a ship... well, if you knew anything about
Suikoden IV beforehand, it shouldn't be as big of a surprise as your recruits
make it out to be. Head out into the city. Talk to Yu (22) and Adrienne (23)
by the Trading Post. Now talk to three civilians: one of the fishermen on the
docks, and the two women in the laundry area near the Armor Shop. They will
come to join you on the ship. Once this is done, head back to Headquarters. Go
to the War Room, and say "Let's Go!!" when you're ready... to 'go', that is.


Nataly (75), Kate (79), Izak (6), Rene (66), Bang (53),
Bartholomew (53), Ugetsu (30), Shiramane (28), Mao (49), Nai (76), Lilin (55),
Taisuke (104)


You can do some more recuitment now. Head to Na-Nal Island, Nay Island, Donut 
Island, Iluya Island, Deserted Island as well as your own ship to do so. Head 
to the Pirate's Nest to advance the story.

                           ~ LOCATION: ILUYA ISLAND ~                  [LOC20]

Treasure Map x 3, Ocean Rune Piece x 2, Simple Wallpaper, Old Book vol.
7, Chinchilla Stand, Hero's Armor, Guardian Garb

ENEMIES: Stun Lizard, Spiny Gecko, Bloody Behemoth, Kooluk Soldier, Kooluk
Archer, Angel Hairball

CHARACTERS: Nataly (75), Kate (79), Izak (6)



When you disembark, grab the chest you immediately see containing an 'Ocean
Rune Piece' and a 'Treasure Map'. Head to the left for a chest with a 
'Chinchilla Stand'. Head forward, the chest to the right of the next area has
an Angel Hairball inside, with the reward being the 'Guardian Garb' for
defeating it. To the left of this area, examine the boxes for a 'Treasure Map.
Inside the first building, grab the chest with the 'Ocean Rune Piece' and a 
'Treasure Map'. Search the table on the right at the back of the building for
a 'Simple Wallpaper'. Head back outside, and proceed towards the Destroyed 
Town. You can recruit three characters in this area of Iluya. To the left is
a chest with another Angel Hairball, with the reward for defeating it being 
'Hero's Armor'. Grab the chest with the 'Old Book Vol. 7' near the back of 
this area. That's all for Iluya Island.

                           ~ LOCATION: DONUT ISLAND ~                  [LOC21]

Rene (66)

It's... an island. It's shaped like a donut. It has Rene. That's about it.

                          ~ LOCATION: PIRATE'S NEST ~                  [LOC22]

Pirate Bracers, Treasure Map x 2, Ocean Rune Piece


Lilon (41), Kika (13)

~ Equipment Shop ~
        Mega Medicine, 150 Potch
 Cough Drop, 50 Potch
 Needle, 50 Potch
 Jizo Clock, 500 Potch
 (Bargain Items):
 Water Rune Piece, 500 Potch
 Wind Magic Ring, 20000 Potch
~ Smithy ~
~ Inn ~


Head to the left to find a chest with the 'Pirate Bracers'. Search the barrels
to find a 'Treasure Map'. One of the pirates walking around has an Equipment
Shop. There is also a Smithy here. Head to the next area, the Bar, and talk to
Kika (13) who is sitting at one of the tables. After you talk with them, enter
Kika's room. To the left is a chest containing an 'Ocean Rune Piece' and a 
'Treasure Map'. Go back to your ship, then simply head back into Pirate's Nest
to advance the story.

                        ~ NAVAL BATTLE: FORMER FRIEND ~                 [NVB6]

CAPTAINS: Snowe, Kooluk Captain
UNDERLINGS: 150, 150
RANGE: 3, 3
RUNE CANNONS: Earth and Lighting, Fire and Wind


This is one of the tougher naval battles you've faced thus far... but that's
not really saying much. You're up against two ships, one with Earth and
Lightning cannons, the other with Fire and Wind. Their boarding party each
consists of four Kooluk Soldiers, who can be hard at lower levels. For your 
rune cannons, put all Fire runes on your Pirate Ship ally, along with a Wind
rune and Earth rune for the Ship of OBEL. Fight this battle like two solo
battles - dedicate the Pirate Ship to fighting the Kooluk Captain, while the 
Ship of OBEL should fight Snowe. This should take care of them fairly readily.
Make sure you have your strongest characters on each ship as part of your 
boarding party.


Follow Snowe in your ship back to Razril... you have an important choice here
to make regarding Snowe.

When you're done, head to Hermitage Island, which is just north of the 
Pirate's Nest.

                        ~ LOCATION: HERMITAGE ISLAND ~                 [LOC23]

Mega Medicine x 3, Skunk Orb, Earth Orb, Treasure Map x2, Copper Hammer

Demon Wolf, Wild Leaves

Elenor (3), Agnes (85)



Head through the Forest. After the cutscenes, head back outside the house. To
the right is a chest containing 'Mega Medicine' x 3, and a 'Skunk Orb'. Keep 
heading through the Back Road, and...

                        ~ BOSS BATTLE: Horned Behemoth ~

HP: 750
POTCH: 3000
ITEMS: Horn, Earth Rune Piece

Just zap him with Eternal Ordeal 3 or 4 times and he's dead. You might need to
use a Mega Medicine, but it's unlikely. 


Keep heading forward, and through the cave. At the back there is a shrine of 
sorts. Examine it and you'll get a 'Crest' and a 'Green Bottle'. Search the 
shelf with the bottles on it behind the desk for a 'Treasure Map'. Return to 
Elenor's place. Search the stove for a 'Crab Bun'. Back outside, check the two
chests to the left for a 'Treasure Map' and a 'Copper Hammer'. Search the well
for an 'Earth Orb'. Head back to the harbor and onto the ship.

                          ~ LOCATION: SHIP OF OBEL ~                   [LOC24]

Once on the ship, head to the war room. If you choose to responds "Then may 
the best man win" you will enter into a duel with Lino En Kuldes. If you 
choose the other option, "W-Wait a minute!" you will not duel Lino En Kuldes,
but he will concede leadership to you peacefully.

                       ~ DUEL BATTLE: Lino En Kuldes ~

- "Maybe a little nudge to wake you up?" - Lino En Kuldes will use 'Attack'.
- "Come on! Let's see what you've got." - Lino En Kuldes will 'Guard'.
- "Guess I'll start getting serious now..." - Lino En Kuldes will use 'Special
- "Hehe... better be prepared for the next move." - Lino will use 'Special
- "I think I'll save my energy for a little..." - Lino will 'Guard'.
- "Alright, let's get right down to it." - Lino will 'Attack'.


After Lino En Kuldes has given you kingship, you can now name your ship and
your army! Now head back to... 

                        ~ LOCATION: THE PIRATE'S NEST ~                [LOC25]

Katarina (26), Phil (71)


Talk to Katarina who has since recovered and she joins up. 


Jango (34), Brec (35), Gau (22), Aldo (9), Nalkul (90), 
Champo (91), Lo Seng (27), Lo Fong (29), Lo Hak (31), Lilan (74),
Liloon (54) 


Head back to the ship and go to the War Room. You can do some more recruiting
now if you want, if so go to Hermitage Island, Mordo Island, Iluya Island, Nay 
Island, and your own ship. To advance the story more, go to Middleport.

                ~ BOSS BATTLE: Moving Isle and Tentacles ~

HP: 3500, 500
POTCH: 11200
ITEMS: Ocean Rune Piece, Silk


The Moving Isle and its Tentacles are based in the sea, so you're fighting
this battle from a distance. Therefore, you cannot use normal melee attacks
against it. The only things that can hit this boss are runes and ranged
weapons (like bows), so keep this in mind when choosing a party to fight. 
Almost every attack the Moving Isle does is one that hits each of your party
members. The damage incurred can range from 60 to 90 per person depending on
the attack. You'll want to have someone healing every round most likely as a 
result, and once your party gets down to the 90 or 100 HP range, you should
use a round to heal up completely. Take down the Tentacles using spells which
hit multiple targets, then pummel away at the Moving Isle. Water Runes work 
nicely, as Kindness Drops and Kindness Rain can heal alot of HP, as well as
cure the sleep effect that the Moving Isle sometimes inflicts on you.

                        ~ LOCATION: CITY; MIDDLEPORT ~                 [LOC26]

Interior Design Book

Deborah (84), Reinbach (10) , Micky (46), Oskar (107), Keen (21),
 Helga (19), Charlemagne (80)

~ Equipment Shop ~
 Medicine, 20 Potch
 Mega Medicine, 150 Potch
 Cough Drop, 50 Potch
 Escape Talisman, 200 Potch
 Wind Amulet, 2200 Potch
 (Bargain Items):
 Wizard Orb, 50000 Potch
~ Armor Shop ~
 Pirate Boots, 2000 Potch
 Silver Boots, 2300 Potch
 Magic Sandals, 2200 Potch
 Paw Gloves, 5000 Potch
 Noble's Gloves, 8500 Potch
 Pirate Bracers, 2700 Potch
 Feather Robe, 3800 Potch
 Pirate Armor, 6500 Potch
 Silver Mail, 8800 Potch
 Magical Hat, 3000 Potch
 Nay-Kobold Hat, 3800 Potch
 Silver Helm, 5250 Potch
~ Smith ~
~ Trading Post ~
~ Appraiser ~
~ Lottery ~
~ Inn ~


Talk to one of the women standing in a circle in the Central Square and she 
will give you an 'Interior Design Book'. Go up the stairs and to the Palace.
Head back to your ship. Reinbach wants you to get him a 'Rose Crest' before
he will join you. 


Head to Nay Island, and talk to Gareth in the top left room in the Inn at Nay
town. He will give you the 'Rose Crest'. Take the item back to Middleport, and
give it to Reinbach, who is standing right where you dock. Now head to Na-Nal

                          ~ LOCATION: NA-NAL ISLAND ~                  [LOC27]

Axel (7), Selma (8)


Talk to the Kooluk Soldiers by the entrance to the town and defeat them. After
some dialogue, you'll find yourself in a jail cell. Open the chest there to
get the 'Old Book Vol. 4'. Rest in the, uhm... bed. Take the path to the right
from the jail where you spent the night. Follow the Gorge and enter the Great
Elven Tree. Grab the 'Great Elven Remedy' and leave. You'll find yourself in 
the Chief House. Leave it, and try to head back to the ship. Leave the Elven 
Tree, and head back to town.

When you're ready, sail to Razril.

                       ~ NAVAL BATTLE: REGAINING RAZRIL ~               [NVB7]

CAPTAINS: Helmut, Kooluk Captain
UNDERLINGS: 120, 100
RANGE: 3, 3
RUNE CANNONS: Fire and Wind, Earth and Lightning


At the start of the battle, one of those three ships you see defects to your
side and becomes an ally in battle. Use primarily Fire Runes for this battle,
and one or two Wind Runes. The battle isn't very hard, and the Kooluk Soldiers
aren't that challenging any more since you've gained in strength 
significantly. Helmut (51) joins you after you defeat him.

                ~ LOCATION: CITY; RAZRIL AND HALL OF KNIGHTS ~         [LOC28]

Platinum x 5, Window Set 9


The other two out of these four: Keneth, Paula, Jewel, or Tal
(5, 12, 14, 25), Basil (95), Maxine (94), Gretchen (23), Konrad (24), 
Funghi (92), Frederica, (48), Karl (98)


~ Equipment Shop ~
 Mega Medicine, 150 Potch
 Antitoxin, 50 Potch
 Cough Drop, 50 Potch
 Needle, 50 Potch
 Jizo CLock, 500 Potch
 Power Ring, 20000 Potch
~ Armor Shop ~
 Silver Anklet, 820 Potch
 Silk Shoes, 5500 Potch
 Gold Boots, 7000 Potch
 Platinum Boots, 8400 Potch
 Tai Chi Garb, 10000 Potch
 Gold Chain, 15400 Potch
 Platinum Mail, 23000 Potch
 Gold Bracers, 4000 Potch
 Gold Shield, 7500 Potch
 Diamond Shield, 16000 Potch
 Platinum Helm, 8000 Potch
 Gold Helm, 6500 Potch
 (Bargain Items):
 Hat of Wisdom, 8500 Potch
~ Rune Shop ~
 Violence Orb, 10000 Potch
 Warrior Orb, 50000 Potch
 Counter Orb, 5000 Potch
 Wind Orb, 500 Potch
 Water Orb, 500 Potch
 Fire Orb, 500 Potch
 Earth Orb, 500 Potch
 Lightning Orb, 500 Potch

When you first dock, grab the chest to the left containing 'Platinum x 5'. 
Talk to the cat and he'll join you on your ship... for whatever reason. Go
forward and talk to the man who's walking and he'll give you the 'Window Set
9'. Now you need to walk around town, talking to all the civilians and getting
them to join you at the Training Center in the Hall of Knights. Once you do 
that, head over to the Training Center where it will be decided that Kooluk 
has to go. Return to your ship when finished. If you exiled Snowe back when 
you got to decide his fate, he returns now and...

                        ~ NAVAL BATTLE: BATTLE ONCE MORE ~              [NVB8]



Nothing to it - all Snowe has is a Fire Rune, so pound him with a Water Rune.


Go to the Pirate's Nest. Now it's time to liberate Obel, so head on over there
when you're ready.

                        ~ NAVAL BATTLE: FOR OBEL'S FREEDOM ~            [NVB9]

CAPTAINS: Colton, Kooluk Captain
UNDERLINGS: 200, 150
RANGE: 3, 3
RUNE CANNONS: Lightning and Water, Wind and Earth


This can be one of the more challenging naval battles, since you must choose
the setup for two of your ships before you know the setup of your opponent's.
But since you're reading this guide for this battle, it's okay, right? Yes, it
is, because all you need to do is equip Lightning Runes on one ship, and Wind
Runes for another, so that every attack either damages your enemy or is 
nullified. Have your "Lightning" ship attack Colton, and your "Wind" ship 
attack the Kooluk Captain.

                        ~ NAVAL BATTLE: MYSTERIOUS FLEET ~             [NVB10]

CAPTAINS: Kooluk Captain, Kooluk Captain
RANGE: 3, 3
RUNE CANNONS: Fire and Wind, Wind and Earth


A cinch. Load up on Fire and Wine runes and they're toast.


Choose to use the rune. 

Running towards the light... yet again.


We're in Sidequest City now... there's a whole lot of optional stuff to do at
this point, so get crackin' if you want to. You can recruit every remaining
character at this point. Check out the Secrets and Characters sections for
more details.

*** IMPORTANT NOTE: This is your LAST CHANCE to recruit certain characters in
the game, so go get 'em before you view the following cutscenes! ***

                                ~ LOCATION: SHIP ~                     [LOC29]

Wooden Amulet


When you're ready to continue the story, go out on to the deck and watch the
cutscene. Then head back inside and go to the War Room. Choose your party 
members (don't take too many of your best members for the Infiltration Party,
Hero unfortunately cannot be a member of that party though). Go back to your
room and sleep. Go back to Elenor and tell her you're ready. You can now go
through the ship talking to your various characters, and gaining some 
important insight into their personality and backstories as well. There are
important cutscenes that you can view at this time involving Lino En Kuldes,
Elenor (both in their respective rooms), as well as Helmut on the Fifth Deck 
Corridor and Snowe if you got him (enter your room). Talk to Rene, Noah, and 
Rita in the Saloon and they will give you a gift they made for you, the Wooden
Amulet (awww...). Go to your room and sleep, then head to the deck. If you 
recruited Tanya, there is a cutscene between her and Agnes. Then...

                        ~ NAVAL BATTLE: FINAL ENGAGEMENT ~             [NVB11]

CAPTAINS: Troy, Kooluk Captain, Kooluk Captain
UNDERLINGS: 220, 180, 150
RANGE: 4, 3, 3
RUNE CANNONS: Fire, Wind, Earth, Water; Wind and Earth; Lightning and Water


Fighting this battle using simply Rune Cannons can be difficult, as they've 
got nearly all their bases covered. The best course of action is to assemple
some powerful boarding parties and take out the ships that way, as the Kooluk
Soldiers on board are a cinch. The battle isn't too difficult when done in
this manner.

                            ~ LOCATION: FORT EL-EAL ~                  [LOC30]

Mega Medicine x 2, Hero's Helmet, Cape of Darkness, Chaos Shield, 
Goddess Robe, Mixed Herbs, Fortune Orb

Kooluk Captain, Kooluk Soldier, Kooluk Archer


Head up the path, grab the chest with the 'Mega Medicine'. Enter the fortress,
head downstairs to the basement. Follow the tunnel, near the end is a chest 
with the 'Hero's Helmet'. Continue to the end, search the dead body for the 
'Cape of Darkness'. Head back and up to the next floor, at the back of the
floor is a chest with the 'Chaos Shield'. Go back and up to the next floor.
Head all the way back and to the left for a chest with the 'Goddess Robe'. To
the right is the infamous meeting room that you saw all those cutscenes of 
Cray and company plotting in throughout the game. Spooky. Head up to the next
floor. Head all the way back, to the right of the door is a chest with 'Mixed
Herbs', 'Mega Medicine', and the 'Fortune Orb'. Enter the room...

                               ~ BOSS BATTLE: Cray ~

HP: 4000
POTCH: 1000


Not a difficult battle at all. His major attacks are infrequent and easily
dealt with by a Mega Medicine after the fact.

                             ~ LOCATION: FORT EL-EAL ~                 [LOC31]

Mega Medicine x 2, Hero's Helmet, Cape of Darkness, Chaos Shield, 
       Goddess Robe, Mixed Herbs, Fortune Orb, Magic Canceller

Kooluk Captain, Kooluk Soldier, Kooluk Archer, Grain of Light


In what seems like a nod back to Suikoden III's multiple perspective system, 
if only for a brief period of time, it is now Hero's turn to go through
El-Eal. Simply follow the way back up to the Rune Cannon Control Room, and 
head to the right into the office. Rest on the couch if you need to. Grab the
shining Stair Room Key on the desk, and return to the second floor. Enter the
door that was previously locked in the middle of the second floor. Open the 
chest behind the stairs to get a 'Magic Canceller'. Head up the ridiculously
long linear path of stairs, otherwise known as the Suikoden IV trademark. Grab
the chest in the third set of stairs with the 'Mixed Herbs'. Finally at the 
top... heal up, save your game at the save point, go through the door, and get
ready for the final battles...

                ~ BOSS BATTLE: Giant Tree and Seeds of Light ~

HP: 13000, 3000
POTCH: 3000


Ouch... this is likely the toughest battle you will face in Suikoden IV. The 
boss changes colors, and thus elements, and will use different elemental 
spells depending on what color it currently is. The Giant Tree and its seeds 
have some killer attacks, virtually all of which hit your entire party and not
just one person. There is a sleep spell which puts all of your party to sleep, 
which is always incredibly annoying. It's damage attacks pack a serious punch,
with the seeds dealing 100+ damage to your entire party virtually every round,
and followed up with one of the Tree's mega-attacks virtually every round as 
well. His powerful attack can easily do 250+ damage to your entire party. A
dedicated healer is virtually required this battle, so make good use of the
Water Rune's Kindness Rain and other spells which heal your entire party. 

                               ~ DUEL BATTLE: Troy ~

"........." - Troy will 'Guard'.
"Prepare yourself!" - Troy will use 'Special Attack'.
"Here I go." - Troy will 'Attack'.
"Sorry... but I will take your life with one more move." - Troy will use 
            'Special Attack'.
"Yield to my sword..." - Troy will 'Attack'.
"Humph..." - Troy will 'Guard'.

- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
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- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !

Watch the ending sequence and credits, and the game is finished.


Thanks for reading the walkthrough. :)

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*9. NORMAL ENEMY BESTIARY [BSTR]*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|


Angel Hairball
HP: 3000
Potch: 10000
Items: Stone of Speed, Giant Bird's Feather
Location: Various (treasure chests)

Although the Angel Hairball cannot in any way be defeated when you first 
encounter it, it can be confronted at levels you would be at near the middle
of the game instead of near the end. First off, if any of your characters has
Silent Lake on their Water rune, USE IT! It will put a stop to the Hairball's 
ridiculously strong magic for the time being. The Angel Haiball is slightly
susceptible to Thunder, compared to other elements you can use against it, so
load your party up with Lightning runes and fire away with your strongest 
spells, preferably nearer to the end of the battle or when you're in something
of a dire situation. Equip a skunk orb to your most powerful physical 

But of course, you could also just wait until you're at around level 45-55 to
go out and fairly easily dispose of the pesky critters. The choice is yours.


Armored Wolf
HP: 600
Potch: 1600
Items: Bone, Skin
Location: Ruins of Obel


Bloody Behemoth
HP: 450
Potch: 1500
Items: Horn
Location: Iluya Island


Blue Rodent
HP: 150
Potch: 370
Items: Water Rune Piece
Location: Mordo Island, Ruins of Obel


Captain's Staff
HP: 190
Potch: 200
Items: Medicine
Location: Merchant Ship


Damp Hairball
HP: 200
Potch: 500
Item(s): ? Pot
Location: World Map, around Obel Kingdom


Dead Blade
HP: 300
Potch: 1500
Items: Bone
Location: Fog Ship


Demon Frog
HP: 1600
Potch: 3000
Items: Skin, Frog's Skin
Location: Nay Island


Demon Hairball
HP: 250
Potch: 750
Items: Unicorn's Horn, Stone of Strength
Location: Ocean; around Mountain Mass Island, Pirate's Nest and Lime Shelf 


Demon Wolf
HP: 200
Potch: 550
Items: Skin, Bone
Location: Hermitage Island


Dry Fly
HP: 500
Potch: 1200
Items: Feather, Wind Rune Piece
Location: Deserted Island


Elite Captain
HP: 500
Potch: 3600
Items: Silk
Location: Fort El-Eal


Elite Soldier
HP: 400
Potch: 2400
Items: Master Graffiti
Location: Fort El-Eal


Elite Trooper
HP: 600
Potch: 4000
Items: ? Statue - Angel Statue, Knight Statue
Location: Fort El-Eal


Evil Bat
HP: 300
Potch: 780
Items: Skin, Wind Rune Piece
Location: Mountain Mass Island


Fish Fiend
HP: 300
Potch: 800
Items: Scale, Water Rune Piece
Location: Mountain Mass Island


HP: 400
Potch: 900
Items: Water Rune Piece, Scale
Location: Donut Island


Fly Lizard
HP: 350
Potch: 120
Items: Medicine, Skin
Location: Ocean (exile), Mordo Island


Fossil Beast
HP: 170
Potch: 600
Items: Earth Rune Piece, Unicorn's Horn
Location: Hermitage Island


HP: 400
Potch: 1000
Items: ? Painting - Maestro Graffiti
Location: Secret Underground Path (Middleport)


Gaien Soldier
HP: 350
Potch: 100
Items: None
Location: Gaien Knight Ship, Hall of Knights


Giant Bat
HP: 140
Potch: 400
Items: Wind Rune Piece, Skin
Location: Deserted Island


Golden Hairball
HP: 400
Potch: 1000
Items: Stone of Evasion
Location: Various locations (inside treasure chests)


Golden Wing
HP: 600
Potch: 1300
Items: Lightning Rune Piece, Skin
Location: Deserted Island


Golden Wolf
HP: 240
Potch: 500
Items: Bone, Skin
Location: Nay Island


HP: 5000
Potch: 10000
Items: Platinum
Location: Ruins of Obel


Grain of Light
HP: 400
Potch: 2500
Items: None
Location: Fort El-Eal

HP: 20
Potch: 40
Items: Medicine
Location: Razril


Ice Bird
HP: 300
Potch: 900
Items: Giant Bird's Feather, Water Rune Piece
Location: World Map; around Razril/Middleport


Jelly Man
HP: 140
Potch: 450
Items: None
Location: Obel Ruins


Jellyfish Man
HP: 200
Potch: 400
Items: Lightning Rune Piece, Stone of Skill
Location: World Map; various


Killer Fish
HP: 300
Potch: 700
Items: Water Rune Piece, Scale, Medicine
Location: World Map, around Razril/Middleport


Killer Fly
HP: 230
Potch: 350
Items: Feather, Wind Rune Piece
Location: Nay Island


Killer Rodent
HP: 180
Potch: 380
Items: Lightning Rune Piece
Location: Mordo Island, Obel Ruins


Kooluk Archer
HP: Varies (200-500)
Potch: Varies (900-2000)
Items: Mega Medicine
Location: Na-Nal Island Iluya Island, Fort El-Al


Kooluk Captain
HP: Varies (300-550)
Potch: Varies (1200-3000)
Items: ? Pot, ? Painting
Location: Na-Nal Island, Iluya Island, Fort El-Al


Kooluk Soldier
HP: Varies (200-600)
Potch: 800
Items: Medicine, ? Pot, ? Painting
Location: Merchant Ship, Iluya Island, Fort El-Al, Na-Nal Island


Land Shell and Tentacles
HP: 6000, 1000
Potch: 17000
Items: ? Painting, Pearl Shell, Seashell
Location: Ocean; around Middleport and Razril


HP: 5000
Potch: 8000
Items: Dragon Scale, Dragon's Bone
Location: World Map


Metal Crab
HP: 1200
Potch: 3500
Items: Giant Crab's Shell
Location: World Map


Moss Behemoth
HP: 2000
Potch: 2800
Items: Earth Rune Piece, Silk
Location: Deserted Island


HP: 300
Potch: 680
Items: Feather, Wind Rune Piece
Location: Lime Shelf Island


Muddy Fish
HP: 200
Potch: 80
Items: Medicine, Scale
Location: World Map; around Middleport and Razril


Ogre Frog
HP: 1200
Potch: 2500
Items: Skin, Frog's Skin
Location: Secret Underground Path (Middleport)


Paradise Bee
HP: 200
Potch: 300
Items: Feather
Location: Na-Nal Island


Pearl Crab
HP: 90
Potch: 340
Items: Shell
Location: Deserted Island


HP: 100
Potch: 150
Items: ? Ornament
Location: Razril


Poison Bird
HP: 350
Potch: 850
Items: Feather, Giant Bird's Feather
Location: Secret Underground Path


Poison Lizard
HP: 250
Potch: 350
Items: Scale
Location: Ocean; around Obel


HP: 700
Potch: 2000
Items: Stone of Magic Defense
Location: Fog Ship


Queen Sprout
HP: 3000
Potch: 8000
Items: Silk, Fire Rune Piece
Location: Deserted Island


Red Ray
HP: 320
Potch: 880
Items: Fire Rune Piece, ? Pot
Location: World Map; around Iluya Island


Red Rodent
Potch: 370
Items: Fire Rune Piece
Location: Mordo Island, Obel Ruins


Rock Crab
HP: 200
Potch: 700
Items: Seashell, Shell
Location: World Map; around Pirate Island


Rodent Leader
HP: 180
Potch: 350
Items: Earth Rune Piece
Location: Mordo Island


Royal Guard Archer
HP: 500
Potch: 3000
Items: ? Pot - Celadon Pot
Location: Fort El-Eal


Savage Frog
HP: 2300
Potch: 2800
Items: Water Rune Piece, Frog's Skin
Location: Deserted Island


Savage Root
HP: 1000
Potch: 5000
Items: Silk
Location: Iluya Island


Savage Sprout
HP: 500
Potch: 2500
Items: Mixed Herbs
Location: Nay Island


HP: 300
Potch: 600
Items: Medicine
Location: Na-Nal Island


HP: 500
Potch: 1800
Items: Bone, ? Pot
Location: Obel Ruins


Snobby Shrew
HP: 25
Potch: 30
Items: ? Painting
Location: Razril


Speckled Ray
HP: 230
Potch: 340
Items: Stone of Magic Defense, ? Pot, Earth Rune Piece
Location: World Map; Obel Kingdom


Spectral Leaves
HP: 300
Potch: 900
Items: Mega Medicine
Location: Secret Underground Path


Spiny Gecko
HP: 350
Potch: 1000
Items: Unicorn's Horn, Scale, Skin, Shell 
Location: World Map; around Iluya Island and Lime Shelf Island


Stun Lizard
HP: 300
Potch: 850
Items: Lightning Rune Piece, Scale
Location: Iluya Island


HP: 15
Potch: 30
Items: ? Pot
Location: Razril


Trainee A
HP: 5
Potch: 10
Items: Medicine
Location Razril


Trainee B
HP: 5
Potch: 10
Items: Medicine
Location Razril


Trainee C
HP: 5
Potch: 10
Items: Medicine
Location Razril


HP: 150
Potch: 420
Items: Unicorn's Horn
Location: Obel Ruins


Unicorn Zombie
HP: 600
Potch: 1700
Items: Unicorn's Horn
Location: Ruins of Obel


Wicked Hen
HP: 300
Potch: 800
Items: Feather
Location: Na-Nal Island


Wild Crab
HP: 90
Potch: 380
Items: Shell, Seashell
Location: Deserted Island


Wild Leaves
HP: 160
Potch: 500
Items: Mega Medicine
Location: Hermitage Island


Wild Seaweed
HP: 30 HP
Potch: 80
Items: None
Location: World Map, around Middleport and Razril


Yellow Rodent
HP: 150
Potch: 370
Items: Earth Rune Piece
Location: Mordo Island, Obel Ruins


|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*10. CHARACTERS (THE STARS OF DESTINY) [CHTR]*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|


1. Hero     (Tenkai Star)

Automatically recruited.


2. Lino En Kuldes   (Tengou Star)

Automatically recruited.


3. Elenor    (Tenki Star)

Automatically recruited.


4. Ted     (Tenkan Star)

Once you have recruited70 characters, enter the War Room and there will be
a cutscene where a mysterious ship crashes into yours. Lino En Kuldes and the
Hero decide to check it out, along with one other person. Choose your
strongest character to be the third, as the enemies inside the Fog Ship are
quite difficult. (NOTE: Ted CANNOT be recruited if you have already begun
preparations for the final battle).


                         ~ LOCATION: DUNGEON; FOG SHIP ~

King Pirate Vest

Dead Blade, Prophet

Ted (4)

Suikoden IV has a trend of unnecessarily long, linear dungeons, doesn't it? 
Well, this one is the quintissential Suikoden IV dungeon. Just keep heading 
down the path, being stopped by the mysterious man occasionally (what you say
in response to him has no effect) and you'll reach...

                         ~ BOSS BATTLE: Fog Ship Guide ~

HP: 7000
POTCH: 8000
ITEMS: Silk, Diamond

7000 HP... wow. This guy takes a long time to kill, but hes not overly
difficult. His main attack has a chance to cause instant death to one 
character, but it rarely succeeds. His other attack drains 150 or so HP from
one character, and heals him for that amount. His biggest attack hits every
party member for 100-120 damage, but he doesn't use it that often. Healing is
not a problem since Ted joins you for this battle, and his Water Rune has many
options for healing available. Use your strongest attacks against the Fog Ship
Guide, and he'll go down sooner or later.

After the battle, good ol' Ted (from Suikoden I...) joins you. Be sure to grab
the chest with the 'King Pirate Vest' from the room after you defeat the Fog
Ship Guide.


5. Keneth, Paula, Jewel, or Tal  (Tenyu Star)

One of the other two characters who you did not choose at the start of the 
game will occupy this spot. 


6. Izak     (Tenyu Star)

You can find Izak in the middle of the Town Square on Iluya Island. Give him a
'Flower Seed' and he will join.


7. Axel     (Tenmou Star)

Automatically recruited.


8. Selma    (Teni Star)

After recruiting Axel, head back down to the docks on Na-Nal Island, and Helga
is there. Talk to her and she joins.


9. Aldo     (Tenei Star)

You can find Aldo in the Back Road section of Hermitage Island. He is 
standing right next to one of the rocks on the path, and he can be easy to
miss as he is somewhat camouflaged. Talk to him and he joins.


10. Reinbach    (Tenki Star)

Get a 'Rose Crest' from Gareth who is in the top left room at the Nay Town
Inn. Go back to Middleport and give it to Reinbach, who is standing right
where you dock.


11. Chiepoo    (Tenfu Star)

Automatically recruited.


12. Keneth, Paula, Jewel, or Tal (Tenman Star)

You have a choice between choosing two of these four characters near the start
of the game.


13. Kika    (Tenko Star)

Automatically recruited.


14. Keneth, Paula, Jewel, or Tal (Tensyo Star)

You have a choice between choosing two of these four characters near the start
of the game.


15. Ramada    (Tenritsu Star)

Automatically recruited.


16. Travis    (Tensyo Star)

After the liberation of Obel, return to the Ruins there. Make your way to the
very end, the same spot where you met Ragki and Rikie earlier in the game.
Don't worry about the Killer Golem standing in the middle of the path if you
don't want to, you can go around him. (If you want to fight him though, you
can see how to in the Secrets, Tips, and Sidequests section [STSQ]). Make your
way to where Travis is standing, and he'll demand that you use an Escape 
Talisman. Do so. Unfortunately, you have to make your way all the way BACK up
to Travis through the ruins. Once you do, talk to him again and he joins. Well
now, that wasn't so hard, was it?


17. Snowe                               (Tenan Star)

At two points in the game, you are given the option of either killing Snowe or
exiling him (if you ask him to join you at these two points, he will refuse
and be exiled anyway). Choose both times to exile him, DO NOT execute him. To 
get Snowe you must have first recruited all of the other 107 stars of 
destiny. Once you have, go to Mordo Island and talk with the merchant there.
He will tell you about having spotted someone floating in the sea. Go back to
your ship, and sail to the west of Mordo Island. You will run into Snowe, 
marooned at sea and floating on a piece of wood. Ask him to join, and he will.
Finally, all 108 stars of destiny are yours!

(NOTE: Snowe CANNOT be recruited if you have already made preparations for the
final battle.)


18. Rachel    (Tenyu Star)

You must have Cedric in your party, and 5000 Potch. Return to the Cave in Obel
where your Headquarters used to be until it was launched into the sea. Talk to
Rachel, pay her 5000 Potch and she joins.


19. Helga    (Tenku Star)

Speak to a man in the bottom left room at the Nay Town Inn. He will tell you 
about a witch who has been causing trouble in Middleport. Go to Middleport. 
You can find Helga outside the Inn there, talk to her and she joins.


20. Cedric    (Tensoku Star)

Stay the night at the Obel Inn, then talk to the woman next to the Inn. She 
will tell you about a thief named Cedric who has been stealing things from
around town. Go up to the palace, then follow him through the Cliff Path, and
finally into your headquarters. Talk to Louise, and Cedric will soon join.


21. Keen    (Teni Star)

When you return to Middleport, put Sigurd in your party and talk to Keen, who 
is standing by the trading shop. Leave the city, then enter it again WITHOUT
Sigurd in your party. Talk to Keen again, and pay him 10,000 Potch to join.


22. Gau     (Tensatsu Star)

You will encounter Gau in a random battle on Hermitage Island. Defeat him and
he will join you.

                              ~ BOSS BATTLE: Gau ~

HP: 2000
POTCH: 500

Gau has four Demon Wolves with him, so the first thing you should do is use a
powerful rune that can hit multiple targets to take those out. After that's 
done, pound Gau with your hardest hitting spells and attack. Gau uses 
exclusively normal attacks, but they are quite powerful, easily capable of
doing more than 250 damage in a round. You might want to keep one or two
dedicated healers to make up for this damage while the rest of your characters
go on the offensive. Gau doesn't have that much HP, so he doesn't take too 
long to defeat.


23. Gretchen    (Tenbi Star)

After the liberation of Razril, you can find Gretchen outside the Armor Shop
there. Talk to her and she joins.


24. Konrad    (Tenkyu Star)

You must have Katarina (26) in your party. You can find Konrad in the Inn at
Razril after its liberation. Talk to him (with Katarina with you) and he


25. Keneth, Paula, Jewel, or Tal (Tentai Star)

One of the other two characters who you did not choose at the start of the 
game will occupy this spot. 


26. Katarina    (Tenjyu Star)

Automatically recruited.


27. Lo Seng    (Tenken Star)

After you've been proclaimed king, head to Mordo Island and enter the Hot
Spring there. The trio of attendants will try to charge you 10,000 Potch for
their meager services, so of course it's time to open a can of whoop ass on 
them. They'll join you after you defeat them.

                ~ BOSS BATTLE: Lo Seng, Lo Fong, and Lo Hak ~

HP: 1200, 1000, 1000
POTCH: 15000

Not a difficult battle, just take them out one at a time. Their attacks are 
rather weak, so you're in no real danger of finding your party suddenly dead.


28. Shiramine    (Tenhei Star)

After you've recruited Ugetsu (30), talk to Ugetsu on the deck of the ship and
you will, ahem, "catch" Shiramine.


29. Lo Fong    (Tenzai Star)

After you've been proclaimed king, head to Mordo Island and enter the Hot
Spring there. The trio of attendants will try to charge you 10,000 Potch for
their meager services, so of course it's time to open a can of whoop ass on 
them. They'll join you after you defeat them.

                ~ BOSS BATTLE: Lo Seng, Lo Fong, and Lo Hak ~

HP: 1200, 1000, 1000
POTCH: 15000

Not a difficult battle, just take them out one at a time. Their attacks are 
rather weak, so your in no real danger of finding your party suddenly dead.


30. Ugetsu    (Tenson Star)

Talk to Ugetsu by the trading post on Na-Nal Island after you have recruited
around 75-80 Stars of Destiny, and Rita (81). For Ugetsu to appear, you must
SAIL to Na-Nal, not teleport.


31. Lo Hak    (Tenpai Star)
After you've been proclaimed king, head to Mordo Island and enter the Hot
Spring there. The trio of attendants will try to charge you 10,000 Potch for
their meager services, so of course it's time to open a can of whoop ass on 
them. They'll join you after you defeat them.

                ~ BOSS BATTLE: Lo Seng, Lo Fong, and Lo Hak ~

HP: 1200, 1000, 1000
POTCH: 15000

Not a difficult battle, just take them out one at a time. Their attacks are 
rather weak, so you're in no real danger of finding your party suddenly dead.


32. Rakgi    (Tenrou Star)

Automatically recruited.


33. Rikie    (Tensui Star)

Automatically recruited.


34. Jango    (Tenbou Star) 

After you name your ship and your army, go to your room on your ship and talk
to Jango and Brec (35), who will join you.


35. Brec    (Tenkoku Star)

After you name your ship and your army, go to your room on your ship and talk
to Jango and Brec, who will join you.


36. Flare    (Tenkou Star)

Automatically recruited.


37. Tanya    (Chikai Star)

After the liberation of Razril, head to Pirate's Nest and talk to Tanya on the
beach there. She will join up.


38. Jeremy    (Chisatsu Star)

You must have Mitsuba in your party. After recruiting Kevin (102) and Pam 
(103), you will find Jeremy in Town Square on Na-Nal Island. Talk to him and
he joins.


39. Gareth    (Chiyu Star)

With Reinbach in your party, enter the top left room in the Nay Town Inn. Talk
with Gareth and he joins.


40. Jeane    (Chiketsu Star) 

Uh-oh, everybody's favorite sorceress is back in Suikoden IV! To recruit the
vixen, talk to the man in the Rune Shop at Na-Nal, and ask to speak with the
Rune Master. The Rune Master being none other than Jeane, of course. Ask her 
to join and she will.


41. Lilon    (Chiyu Star)

On the left side of the back at the Pirate's Nest, talk to a pirate who will
tell you about his mermaid sightings. Get on your ship and sail around the 
entrance to the Pirate's Nest, and Lilon will appear.


42. Gary    (Chii Star)

After the liberation of Obel, talk to Gary who is standing by the pools of 
water in front of the Palace of Obel. Both he and Ema (43) join.


43. Ema     (Chiei Star)

After the liberation of Obel, talk to Gary (42) who is standing by the pools
of water in front of the Palace of Obel. Both he and Ema (43) join.


44. Sigurd    (Chiki Star)

Automatically recruited.


45. Hervey    (Chimou Star)

Automatically recruited.


46. Micky    (Chibun Star)

Joins with Reinbach (10).


47. Nabokov    (Chisei Star)

Nabokov is the appraiser in Obel. Talk to him at his shop and he joins.


48. Frederica    (Chikatsu Star)

After the liberation of Razril, you can find Frederica inside the Equipment
Shop there. Talk to her during the evening or on the next day and she joins.


49. Mao     (Chitou Star)

Take a siesta in your room on your ship, when you try to leave your room, Tov
will alert you about something strange going on in one of the cabins. Head 
down to the 5th deck, check the first door on the left. Talk to Mao and he is


50. Bartholomew    (Chikyou Star)

You must first have recruited Perrault, and read the first issue of his
newspaper. Then talk to Bartholomew at his house in the Nay-Kobold settlement
on Nay Island to recruit him.


51. Helmut    (Chian Star)

Simply ask him to join after you defeat him in the naval battle "Regaining


52. Pablo    (Chiziku Star)

Automatically recruited.


53. Bang    (Chikai Star)

Talk to Bang at his lottery shop in the Nay-Kobold Settlement on Nay Island.


54. Liloon    (Chisa Star)

Once you have recruited all of the other mermaids (55, 41, 97, and 74), go to
Iluya Island. You can find Liloon down the stairs to the right of where you 
dock. Talk to her and she joins.


55. Lilen    (Chiyu Star)

After recruting Taisuke (104), go back into the Subterranean Cave on the
Deserted Island. You will find Lilen at the very back where Taisuke previously


56. Yu     (Chirei Star)

Talk to Yu in the Obel Kingdom after you are sent into the city by the king to
find a doctor and help evacuate civilians. He is found by the Trading Post.


57. Carrie    (Chijyu Star)

You must have Yu (56) in your party. Talk to Carrie in Obel after its 
liberation and she joins.


58. Dario    (Chibi Star)

Automatically recruited.


59. Millay    (Chikyu Star)

Reinbach must be in your party. Talk to a man standing on the docks at
Middleport, and he will talk about how the King is trying to get someone to
marry his son (Reinbach). Go to the beach on Na-Nal Island and you will 
encounter Millay. Defeat the two Scoundrels and she joins.


60. Reinhold    (Chibaku Star)

Will join after deafeating Mitsuba (73).


61. Warlock    (Chizen Star)

Talk to Pablo in the Rune Cannon room on the bottom floor of your ship. He
will tell you about the Warlock, a man who was important in the creation of 
rune cannons. Head to Middleport, enter the Back Street, and go to the house
at the end. You will see an open treasure chest there. Examine it, and give 
the wrong answer that Pablo told you, "24". Head down to...


Treasure Map, Old Book Vol. 8, Ocean Rune Piece, Great Earth Armor,
Sliding Door, Ivory Robe, Canvas 2

Spectral Leaves, Ogre Frog, Furball, Poison Bird

Warlock (61)

Head forward until you get to the first intersection, and take a right, then 
left. Get the chest with the 'Great Earth Armor'. Head back and take a right. 
Go left for a chest with the 'Sliding Door'. Go back and take the top left
path over the small bridge. You will come to an intersection with three paths.
Go forward, then right for a chest with an 'Ivory Robe'. Head back, skip the
first path to the right, but take the second right path. This leads to a new
area. Head straight, and turn left for a chest with the 'Canvas 2'. Head back,
and take the second left path. You will encounter...

                             ~ BOSS: Land Dragon ~

HP: 5000
POTCH: 8000

This can be a difficult battle. One of his attacks hits your whole party for
around 100 damage, while another hits a single character for around 200. He 
also has the standard attack that many bosses do which causes a bit of damage
but has a chance of putting the target to sleep. He uses his hard-hitting 
attacks fairly often, so you should probably have a dedicated healer. 

After you defeat the Land Dragon, proceed forward to Warlock's hideout. Search
the bookshelf to the left to get the 'Old Book Vol. 8'. Talk to the Warlock,
ask him to join and he does so.


62. Akaghi    (Chikou Star)

Automatically recruited.


63. Mizuki    (Chikyou Star)

Automatically recruited.


64. Ornan    (Chihi Star)

Speak to Ornan near the Obel armor shop before your ship headquarters is


65. Manu    (Chisou Star)

Talk to him in the Inn on Na-Nal.


66. Rene    (Chikou Star)

On Nay Island, search the beach for a bottle, in it is a crpytic message which
describes Donut Island. To find Donut Island, head directly east from the very
top of the island of the Kingdom of Obel on the world map. It is a small 
island found amidst a chain of others. Enter it, and talk to Rene to recruit 


67. Ameria    (Chimei Star)

After the liberation of Razril, you can find Ameria outside at the top of the 
Hall of Knights (travel up the spire). Talk to her and she joins.


68. Nico    (Chisin Star)

Automatically recruited.


69. Wendel    (Chitai Star)

Talk to Wendel on the docks at Obel after its liberation and she joins.


70. Tov     (Chiman Star)

Automatically recruited.   


71. Phil    (Chisui Star)

Talk to Phil in the Pirate Nest Bar once you have around 40 characters and he
will join.


72. Eugene    (Chisyu Star)

After recruiting Kevin and Pam (102 and 103), you can find Eugene and his
mother outside of the Inn at Na-Nal. Talk to them and Eugene will be 
recruited (forcibly).


73. Mitsuba    (Chiin Star)

Talk to Reinhold (60) in Na-Nal village on Na-Nal Island. Head past him, talk 
to Mitsuba, and you will duel her.

                             ~ DUEL FIGHT: MITSUBA ~

- "Whew, I'll see how it goes for a bit." - Mitsuba will 'Guard'.
- "Okay, I'll finish it in the next move!" - Mitsuba will use 'Special Attack'
- "Hahaha, not yet, not yet!" - Mitsuba will 'Attack'.
- "Come and get me!" - Mitsuba will 'Guard'.
- "You're dead!!" - Mitsuba will use 'Special Attack'.
- "I'm going to slash you and it's gonna hurt!" - Mitsuba will 'Attack'.

After you defeat her, both she and Reinhold will join you.


74. Lilan    (Chii Star)

After recruiting Shiramine (28), cast a net at Nay Island Harbor, and sail
to Na-Nal. Once you reach Na-Nal, have Shiramine pull the net in and voila!,
yet another mermaid.


75. Nataly    (Chiri Star)

On Iluya Island, go to the Destroyed Town section, and head to the right to
find and recruit Nataly. 


76. Nao     (Chisyun Star)

After recruting Mao (49), take a siesta in your room on your ship, When you 
try to leave your room, Tov will alert you about something strange going on
in one of the cabins. Head down to the 5th deck, check the first door on the
left. Talk to Nao and he is recruited.


77. Etienne    (Chiraku Star)

After recruiting Reinbach (10), put him in your party and head to Middleport.
You can find Etienne outside the palace there, talk to him and he joins.


78. Viki    (Chitatsu Star)

On Nay Island, head towards the Nay-Kobold Settlement through Stonecutter's
Field. You will encounter Viki, then go into the town. Exit the town, and you 
will see Viki on the bridge. Talk to her and she joins.


79. Kate    (Chisoku Star)

You must have Mizuku (63) in your party to recruit Kate. She can be found in
the Destroyed Town section of Iluya Island in a crevice on one side of the 
circular wall. Talk to her and she joins.


80. Charleagne    (Chichin Star)

You can find Charlemagne outside of the Inn at Middleport after you've 
recruited Helga (19). You must enter and exit Middleport, then talk to him,
THREE TIMES. On the third time he will no longer request that you come back
later, but will instead join you right then and there. Hurray!


81. Rita    (Chikei Star)

You can find Rita in the Inn at Na-Nal. To have her join you, you must defeat
her at her mini-game. Don't be too intimidated by the lengthy explanation she
gives, the game is fairly easy. When playing her, do not "settle score" UNTIL
her points are at zero. Once they are, settle the score, talk to her, and she
joins up.


82. Oleg    (Chima Star)

Automatically recruited.


83. Perrault    (Chiyou Star)

Talk to Perrault in the Trading Post at the Nay-Kobold Settlement on Nay 


84. Deborah    (Chiyu Star)

You can find Deborah sitting at the table at the Inn in Middleport. Talk to 
her and she joins.


85. Agnes    (Chifuku Star)

Automatically recruited.


86. Trishtan    (Chihi Star)

You must have Yu in your party. Talk to Trishtan by the Inn in Obel after its
liberation, and he will join.


87. Noah    (Chiku Star)

You can find Noah behind the King's throne in the Royal Palace of Obel after
Obel's liberation. Talk to her and she joins.


88. Adrienne    (Chiko Star)

Talk to Adrienne in the Obel Kingdom after you are sent into the city by the 
king to find a doctor and help evacuate civilians. She is found by the Trading


89. Setsu    (Chizen Star)

Automatically recruited.


90. Nalkul    (Chitan Star)

First, you must have Chiepoo (11) in your party. Head to the Nay Island
harbor, and Chiepoo will remark that he wants to visit a trading post. Head
towards the one in the Nay-Kobold Settlement by going through Stonecutter's 
Field. When you get to the Suspension Bridge, you will encounter Nalkul and 
Champo, two Nay-Kobolds who steal your Golden Seal! Enter the Nay-Kobold 
Settlement, and head to the left behind the warehouse to find the two. Play
the mice-catching minigame inside the warehouse, and Nalkul and Champo will
join up.


91. Champo    (Chikaku Star)

First, you must have Chiepoo (11) in your party. Head to the Nay Island
harbor, and Chiepoo will remark that he wants to visit a trading post. Head
towards the one in the Nay-Kobold Settlement by going through Stonecutter's 
Field. When you get to the Suspension Bridge, you will encounter Nalkul (90) 
and Champo, two Nay-Kobolds who steal your Golden Seal! Enter the Nay-Kobold 
Settlement, and head to the left behind the warehouse to find the two. Play
the mice-catching minigame inside the warehouse, and Nalkul and Champo will
join up.


92. Funghi    (Chisyu Star)

After the liberation of Razril, head to the Hall of Knights. Talk to Funghi in
the Kitchen there, and he joins.


93. Pecola    (Chizou Star)

First, talk to one of the women in the Central Square of Middleport to get the
'Interior Design Book'. After you have recruited Warlock, talk to Deborah on
your ship and she will tell you about a woman in an empty house. Now head to 
Middleport and enter the Warlock's house, where the big chest was. Pecola is 
in there; talk to her and she joins.


94. Maxine    (Chihei Star)

You first encounter Maxine near the Chief's House in Na-Nal. Talk to her and
you will get into a battle with her...

                                ~ BOSS BATTLE: Maxine ~

HP: 2000
POTCH: 1000

The first battle versus Maxine is not that hard. Your strongest attacks will
do away with her.

You will next encounter Maxine in Stonecutter's Field, the path on Nay Island
which leads to the Nay-Kobold Settlement. To find her there though, you must 
first must have gotten the 'Golden Seal' from Lino En Kuldes. Talk to her and 
you fight her yet again.

                                 ~ BOSS BATTLE: Maxine ~

HP: 2000
POTCH: 1000

This battle can be quite challenging. Maxine has a powerful Wind Rune,and she
will use Shining Wind (which can kill your entire party if you're not
over-leveled), but she seems to use it only when she's near death. Use normal
attacks against her at the start, conserve your most powerful runes! When you
see Maxine slouch, this signifies that she is near defeat. At this point, 
unleash your most powerful runes on her, in an attempt to kill her before she
can get off a blast of Shining Wind. You should be able to take her down using
your runes before she does so.

Your final encounter with Maxine will be a peaceful one, thankfully. You can 
find her in the Inn at Razril after you return and liberate the city. Talk to 
her and she joins.


95. Basil    (Chison Star)

Basil is located near the Inn at Razril, after its liberation. Talk to him and
he eagerly joins.


96. Igor    (Chido Star)

After recruiting Lo Seng (27), Lo Fong (29), and Lo Hak (31), enter Mordo
Island again. Talk to Igor, who is standing by the Hot Spring, and he will


97. Lilin    (Chisatsu Star)

Automatically recruited.


98. Karl    (Chiaku Star)

After the liberation of Razril, you can find Karl standing in the Back Street
part of Town. Talk to him and he joins.


99. Gunter    (Chisyu Star)

You must talk to Gunter and play with him in Middleport and Na-Nal earlier in
the game. After Obel's liberation, you can find him in Obel. Talk to him and 
he joins.


100. Desmond    (Chisu Star)

Automatically recruited.


101. Louise    (Chiin Star)

Automatically recruited.


102. Kevin    (Chikei Star)

Automatically recruited.


103. Pam    (Chisou Star)

Automatically recruited.


104. Taisuke    (Chiretsu Star)

Return to the Deserted Island (which is located almost in the exact center of
the map), and enter the Subterranean Cave. Travel all the way to the back and
talk to Taisuke. Go back outside the cave and get his clothes, then go back in
and give them to him. Then go back outside the cave once again, then back 
inside to the very back... finally you can recruit him. That wasn't so hard
now, was it?


105. Nalleo    (Chiken Star)

Automatically recruited.

106. Haruto    (Chimou Star)

Automatically recruited.


107. Oskar    (Chizoku Star)

Joins after you recruit Deborah (84).


108. Chadli    (Chikou Star)

Automatically recruited.

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*11. RUNES [RNES]*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

Runes are part of the magic system that is used in the Suikoden series, and IV
is no different. You will find and buy various orbs throughout the course of 
the game. In order to use the magic held inside the orb, you must go to a Rune
Master (who can be found in most towns) and have him/her attach the rune to 
you. At low levels, you can only attach one rune, but later on you will be
able to attach up to three runes.


a.                              ~ ELEMENTAL RUNES ~

There are five main runes (well, ten...) that represent an element: Earth, 
Fire, Wind, Water, and Lightning. There is also a more powerful counterpart to
these 5 main runes, those being the Mother Earth, Rage, Cyclone, Water, and
Thunder runes, respectively. The magic available in these runes are:

Earth and Mother Earth

Lvl. 1 - Clay Guardian (boosts the physical and magical defense of all allies
                        for three turns)
Lvl. 2 - Vengeful Child (shields one ally completely against a magic spell
Lvl. 3 - Guardian Earth (cures all allies of all negative status effects)
Lvl. 4 - Earthquake (deals 800 damage to all non-flying enemies)
Lvl. 5 - Canopy Defebse - (Shields all allies from a magic spell ONCE)

Fire and Rage

Lvl. 1 - Flaming Arrows (deals 100 damage to one enemy)
Lvl. 2 - Dancing Flames (deals 150 damage to all enemies)
Lvl. 3 - Blazing Wall (deals 300 damage to all enemies)
Lvl. 4 - Explosion (deals 500 damage to all enemies)
Lvl. 5 - Final Flame (deals 700 damage to all enemies)

Wind and Cyclone

Lvl. 1 - Wind of Sleep (inflicts all enemies with sleep)
Lvl. 2 - Healing Wind (heals HP and negative status effects of one ally)
Lvl. 3 - The Shredding (deals 300 damage to all enemies)
Lvl. 4 - Funeral Wind (deals 300 damage to one enemy, with a 25% chance of
                       instant death)
Lvl. 5 - Shining Wind (deals 500 damage to all enemies, cures all allies for
                       300 HP)

Water and Flowing

Lvl. 1 - Kindness Drops (heals HP and negative status effects of one ally)
Lvl. 2 - Breath of Ice (deals 100 damage to all enemies)
Lvl. 3 - Kindness Rain (heals all HP and negative effects of all allies)
Lvl. 4 - Silent Lake (supresses magic for all allies and enemies for 3 turns)
Lvl. 5 - Mother Ocean (heals all HP, cures all negative status effects, and
                       revives any dead character for the entire party)

Lightning and Thunder

Lvl. 1 - Berserk Blow (deals 100 damage to all enemies)
Lvl. 2 - Thunder Runner (deals 300 damage to one enemy)
Lvl. 3 - Soaring Bolt (deals 600 damage to one enemy)
Lvl. 4 - Furious Blow (deals 900 damage to one enemy)
Lvl. 5 - Heavenly Thunder (deals 1500 damage to one enemy)

b.                               ~ COMBO MAGIC ~

In addition to these, when you have two characters in your party who are able
to use lvl. 4 and 5 magic spells, you can perform an attack using the turns of
two characters and combining their magic. Using one of these attacks uses a 
lvl. 4 magic point.

Flame Away - Fire + Lightning. Deals 2000 damage to one enemy, and 1000 damage
             to all others.

Scorched Earth - Earth + Fire. Deals 1500 damage to all enemies.

Fierce Wind Fangs - Wind + Earth. Deals 1500 damage to all enemies.

Thunder God - Lightning + Water. Deals 1500 damage to one enemy.

Water Dream - Water + Lightning. Deals 900 damage to all anemies, heals all
              allies completely.

c.                          ~ CHARACTER UNIQUE RUNES ~ 

Some characters in Suikoden IV have runes that are unique to them. These runes
cannot be removed, and thus cannot be used by anyone else.

Hero: True Rune of Punshment

Lvl. 1 - Eternal Ordeal (Deals 300 damage to one enemy, 30 damage to Hero)
Lvl. 2 - Double-Edged Sword (Deals 150 damage to alle enemies, 50 damage to
Lvl. 3 - Voice of Death (Instantly kill one non-death resistant enemy, 10%
                         chance of killing Hero)
Lvl. 4 - Everlasting Mercy (Deals 500 damage to all enemies, heals all allies
                            500 HP)

Ted: Soul Eater

Lvl. 1 - Finger of Death (Drains HP from one enemy, heals Ted for same amount)
Lvl. 2 - Black Shadow (Deals 300 damage to all enemies)
Lvl. 3 - Hades(Drains HP from all enemies, heals Ted for the cumulative 
Lvl. 4 - Judgment (Deals 1500 damage to one enemy)

Viki: Blinking Rune

Lvl. 1 - Ready! (Teleports one enemy out of battle, sometimes teleports Viki
                 out instead!)
Lvl. 2 - Set! (Deals 200 damage to all enemies)
Lvl. 3 - Go! (Teleports all enemies out of battle)

Eugene: Firefly Rune

Eugene is always targetted by enemies.

Reinbach: Red Rose Rune

Reinbach performs a 'beautiful' attack on one enemy. (2x damage)

Kika: Falcon Rune

Attack dealing 3x damage to one enemy.

Jeane: Charm Rune

Performs a spell that charms one enemy.

Ornan: Waking Rune

Ornan enters the battle asleep until woken up. When awoken, he is berserk.

Mizuku: Shrike Rune

Attack dealing 2x damage to one enemy. 


b.                              ~ NON-SPELL RUNES ~

NAME                    |                        EFFECT                      |
Alert Orb               | Holds Rune that awakens after the fourth turn.     |
Champions Orb           | When equipped, eliminated random encounters with   |
                        | considerably weaker enemies.                       |
Counter Orb             | Increases character's counter-attack rate.         |
Double-Strike Orb       | Doubles damage two ways (Allies and Enemies).      |
Drain Orb               | Heals when in critical condition (character is     |
                        | 'sulking').                                        |
Fortune Orb             | Doubles experience gained during battles.          |
Fury Orb                | Character is always berserk.                       |
Killer Orb              | Increases character's critical hit rate.           |
Medicine Orb            | Holds rune that applies medicine (heals like a     |
                        | Medicine item)                                     |
Prosperity Orb          | Doubles amount of potch gained after battles when  |
                        | equipped.                                          |
Skunk Orb               | Character with this rune equipped is never         |
                        | targetted.                                         |
Slash Orb               | Enables the 'Flashes' command, instantly kills any |
                        | enemy considerably weaker than your party.         |
Sunbeam Orb             | Gradually recover HP (not much, though...).        |
Violence Orb            | Holds Rune that causes 2-hit berserk).             |
Warrior Orb             | Boosts character's strength, but weakens his/her   |
                        | physical defense.                                  | 
Wizard Orb              | Boosts character's magic, but weakens his/her      |
                        | magic defense.                                     |

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*12. ITEMS [ITMS]*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

a.                                ~ USABLE ITEMS ~

     NAME OF ITEM    |      ITEM DESCRIPTION         |  
Antitoxin  | Recover from poison.             |
Broiled Fish  | Simple fish dish. Recover HP.           |
Broiled Sardine  | Recover HP.             |
Cough Drop  | Recover from silence.            | 
Crab Bun  | Crab bun. Gain HP; def. up for 3 turns.      |
Crab Stew  | Gain HP. Magic defense up 3 turns.           |
Escape Talisman  | Escape from dungeon.          | 
Gloomy Mint  | Worsens status.         |
Glowing Hand Mirror | Can return to "X" instantly.               |
Jizo Clock  | Recover from unconsciousness.        |
Knight's Lunch  | Gaien Knights' lunch. Recover HP.       |
Mackarel Miso Stew | Recover HP.          |
Meat Bun  | Tasty bun filled with meat. Recover HP.      |
Medicine  | Recover a little HP.            |
Mega Medicine  | Recover a lot of HP.              |
Minced Bonito  | Gain HP. Attack strength up for 3 turns.      |
Mixed Herbs  | Recover all MP.         |
Mushroom  | Recover 1 MP for each level.        |
Mysterious Mushroom | Worsens status.         |
Needle   | Recover from balloon.                |
Puffer Fish Sashimi     | Gain HP. Magic attack up for 3 turns.              |
Salad   | Gain HP and heal all status ailments.       |
Special Lunch  | Gain HP and heal all status ailments.       |
Steamed Bun  | Bun with red bean paste. Recover HP.       |
Stone of Defense | Increases physical def. level.       |
Stone of Evasion | Increases evasion level.        |
Stone of Magic  | Increases magic level.        |
Stone of Magic Def | Increases magic def. level.        |
Stone of Skill  | Increases skill level.        |
Stone of Speed  | Increases speed level.        |
Stone of Strength | Increases strength level.        |
Whole Roast Snapper | Recover a lot of HP.         |

b.                              ~ SEALED ORBS ~

     NAME OF ITEM    |     ITEM DESCRIPTION         |
Alert Orb  | Holds Rune that awakens after 4th turn.      |
Counter Orb  | Holds Rune that enables more countering.      |
Double-Strike Orb | Holds Rune that doubles damage two ways.      |
Drain Orb  | Holds Rune that heals when critical.       |
Earth Orb  | Orb holding the Earth Rune.        |
Fire Orb  | Orb holding the Fire Rune.        |
Fortune Orb             | Holds Rune that doubles Exp. points.               |
Fury Orb  | Holds Rune that causes berserk.       |
Killer Orb  | Holds Rune that increases critical hits.      |
Lighting Orb  | Orb holding the Lightning Rune.       |
Medicine Orb  | Holds Rune that applies medicine.       | 
Rage Orb  | Orb holding the Rage Rune.                         |
Skunk Orb  | Holds Rune that avoids being targeted.      |
Slash Orb  | Holds Rune that enables "slash" command.      |
Sunbeam Orb  | Holds Rune that gradually recovers HP.      |
Violence Orb  | Holds Rune that causes 2-hit berserk.       |
Warrior Orb  | Holds Rune (strength up + def. down).       |
Water Orb  | Orb holding the Water Rune.        |
Wind Orb  | Orb holding the Wind Rune.        |
Wizard Orb  | Holds Rune (magic up + magic def. down).      |

c.                              ~ RUNE PIECES ~

     NAME OF ITEM    |     ITEM DESCRIPTION         |
Earth Rune Piece | Imbues sword with the power of earth.       |
Fire Rune Piece  | Imbues sword with the power of fire.       |
Lightning Rune Piece | Imbues sword with the power of lightning.      |
Water Rune Piece | Imbues sword with the power of water.       |
Wind Rune Piece  | Imbues sword with the power of wind.       |

d.                               ~ MATERIALS ~

     NAME OF ITEM    |     ITEM DESCRIPTION         |
Bad Cotton Cloth | Material for combining.        |
Bad Flax Cloth  | Material for combining.        |
Bad Gold Ore  | Material for combining.        |
Bad Iron Ore  | Material for combining.        |
Bad Silver Ore  | Material for combining.        |
Bad Wool Cloth  | Material for combining.        |
Bone   | Material for combining.        |
Bonito   | Can't be eaten as is.         |
Crab   | Can't be eaten as is.           |
Diamond   | Material for combining.        |
Dragon's Bone  | Material for combining.        |
Dragon Scale  | Material for combining.        |
Feather   | Material for combining.        |
Giant Bird's Feather | Material for combining.        |
Giant Crab's Shell | Material for combining.        |
Good Cotton Cloth | Material for combining.        |
Good Flax Cloth  | Material for combining.        |
Good Gold Ore  | Material for combining.        |
Good Iron Ore  | Material for combining.        |
Good Silver Ore  | Material for combining.        |
Good Wool Cloth  | Material for combining.        |
Horn   | Material for combining.        |
Mackerel  | Can't be eaten as is.         |
Normal Cotton Cloth | Material for combining.        |
Normal Flax Cloth | Material for combining.        |
Normal Gold Ore  | Material for combining.        |
Normal Iron Ore  | Material for combining.        |
Normal Silver Ore | Material for combining.        |
Normal Wool Cloth | Material for combining.        |
Pearl   | Valuable. Can be found in seashells.       |
Pearl Shell  | Material for combining.        |
Platinum  | Material for combining.        |
Puffer Fish             | Can't be eaten as is.                              |
Red Snapper  | Can't be eaten as is.         |
Sardine   | Can't be eaten as is.             |
Scale   | Material for combining.        |
Seashell  | Material for combining.        |
Shell   | Material for combining.        |
Silk   | Material for combining.        |
Skin   | Material for combining.        |
Unicorn's Horn  | Material for combining.        |

e.                               ~ ANTIQUES ~

     NAME OF ITEM    |     ITEM DESCRIPTION         |
"Abstract"  | Can be used for decoration.        |
"Flower"                | Can be used for decoration.        |
"Landscape"             | Can be used for decoration.        |
"Noble Portrait" | Can be used for decoration.               |
Angel Statue  | Can be used for decoration.        |
Celadon Pot             | Can be used for decoration.                        |
Gold Pot  | Can be used for decoration.        |
Good Luck Cat  | Can be used for decoration.               |
Hanging Scroll          | Can be used for decoration.                        |
Knight Statue           | Can be used for decoration.                        |
Maestro Graffiti        | Can be used for decoration.        |
Master Graffiti  | Can be used for decoration.        |
Pot of Failure  | Can be used for decoration.               |
Pot of Nay  | Can be used for decoration.               |
Pot of Obel  | Can be used for decoration.               |
Pot of Razril  | Can be used for decoration.               |
Voodoo Doll  | Can be used for decoration.               |

f.                            ~ TRADABLE ITEMS ~

     NAME OF ITEM    |     ITEM DESCRIPTION         |
Ancient Text  | Tradable item.         |
Bad Cotton Cloth | Material for combining.        |
Bad Flax Cloth  | Material for combining.        |
Bad Gold Ore  | Material for combining.        |
Bad Iron Ore  | Material for combining.        |
Bad Silver Ore  | Material for combining.        |
Bad Wool Cloth  | Material for combining.        |
Book   | Tradable item.         |
Candle   | Tradable item.         |
Crystal Ball  | Tradable item.         |
Deer Antler  | Tradable item.         |
Diamond   | Material for combining.        |
Flower Seed  | Tradable item.         |
Flute   | Tradable item.         |
Frog's Skin  | Material for combining.        |
Fur   | Tradable item.         |
Good Cotton Cloth | Material for combining.        |
Good Flax Cloth  | Material for combining.        |
Good Gold Ore  | Material for combining.        |
Good Iron Ore  | Material for combining.        |
Good Silver Ore  | Material for combining.        |
Good Wool Cloth  | Material for combining.        |
Herbal Medicine  | Tradable item.         |
Holly Berry  | Tradable item.         |
Mayonnaise  | Tradable item.         |
Musk   | Tradable item.         |
Native Costume  | Tradable item.         |
Normal Cotton Cloth | Material for combining.        |
Normal Flax Cloth | Material for combining.        |
Normal Gold Ore  | Material for combining.        |
Normal Iron Ore  | Material for combining.        |
Normal Silver Ore | Material for combining.        |
Normal Wool Cloth | Material for combining.        |
Pearl   | Tradable item.         |
Platinum  | Material for combining.        |
Rum   | Tradable item.         |
Salt   | Tradable item.         |
Silk   | Tradable item.         |
Soap   | Tradable item.         |
Soy Sauce  | Tradable item.         |
Sugar   | Tradable item.         |

g.                                ~ OTHER ~

     NAME OF ITEM    |     ITEM DESCRIPTION         |
? Ornament  | Unknown ornament.         |
? Painting  | Unknown painting.         |
? Pot   | Unknown pot.          |
Blue Fox Desk           | Can be placed in a room.                           |
Canvas 2  | Changes sail.          |
Canvas 3  | Changes sail.          |
Chinchilla Stand | Can be placed in a room.        |
Coral Table  | Can be placed in a room.        |
Fancy Carpet  | Can be placed in a room.         |
Fancy Console  | Can be placed in a room.        |
Fancy Sofa              | Can be placed in a room.                           |
Fancy Table  | Can be placed in a room.        |
Fancy Wallpaper         | Can be placed in a room.                           |
Forest Carpet           | Can be placed in a room.                           |
Forest Wallpaper | Can be placed in a room.        |
Interior Design Book | A book by someone named Pecola.       |
Log Bench  | Can be placed in a room.        |
Log Desk  | Can be placed in a room.        |
Log Display Stand       | Can be placed in a room.                           |
Lottery Ticket  | Allows you to play the lottery once.       |
Message Bottle  | "Coral... donuts... small island..."       |
Mink Wallpaper  | Can be placed in a room.                           |
Natural Wood Bench | Can be placed in a room.        |
Natural Wood Desk | Can be placed in a room.        |
Ocean Floor Carpet | Can be placed in a room.        |
Old Book Vol. 1  | Can't read as is.         |
Old Book Vol. 2  | Can't read as is.         |
Old Book Vol. 3  | Can't read as is.         |
Old Book Vol. 4  | Can't read as is.         |
Old Book Vol. 5  | Can't read as is.         |
Old Book Vol. 6  | Can't read as is.         |
Old Book Vol. 7  | Can't read as is.         |
Old Book Vol. 8  | Can't read as is.                |
Old Book Vol. 9  | Can't read as is.         |
Old Book Vol. 10 | Can't read as is.         |
Seashell Bench          | Can be placed in a room.                           |
Sheepskin Sofa  | Can be placed in a room.        |
Simple Carpet  | Can be placed in a room.        |
Simple Display Stand    | Can be placed in a room.                           |
Simple Sofa  | Can be placed in a room.        |
Simple Wallpaper | Can be placed in a room.        |
Sliding Door  | Can be placed in a room.        |
Snowe's Armor           | Snowe's nostalgic armor.                           |
Snowe's Noble Garb      | Snowe's noble-looking clothes.                     |
Snowe's Pirate Garb     | Pirate's garb for Snowe to get in role.            |
Snowe's Rags            | Clothes Snowe wore when adrift.                    |
Supplementary ticket | 5 equal a lottery ticket.        |
Tatami Mat  | Can be placed in a room.        |
Tiger Carpet            | Can be placed in a room.                           |
Treasure Map  | Unanalyzed treasure map.        |
Wave Wallpaper  | Can be placed in a room.        |
Window Set 1  | Changes window frame.         |
Window Set 2  | Changes window frame.         |
Window Set 3  | Changes window frame.         |
Window Set 4  | Changes window frame.         |
Window Set 5  | Changes window frame.         |
Window Set 6  | Changes window frame.         |
Window Set 7  | Changes window frame.         |
Window Set 8  | Changes window frame.         |
Window Set 9  | Changes window frame.         |

h.                               ~ RARE ITEMS ~

     NAME OF ITEM    |     ITEM DESCRIPTION         |
Coconut                 | Might have various uses.                           |
Document                | Must be delivered to Middleport.                   |
Elven Remedy  | Potion said to bring immortality.       |
Golden Seal             | Seal of the Kingdom of Obel's Leader.              |
Glowing Hand Mirror | Can return to "X" Instantly.        |
Interior Design Book    | A book by someone named Pecola.                    |
Message Bottle          | Coral... donuts... small island...                 |
Ocean Rune Piece | Used for hull customization.        |
Old Rope                | Might be used to fix the ship.                     |
Rose Crest  | Proof of friendship.         |
Ruins Entry Permit | Allows entry to Obel Ruins.        |
Stair Room Key          | Key to Stair Room - Fort El-Eal.                   |
Taisuke's Clothes       | Taisuke's discarded clothes.                       |
Wood                    | Might be used to fix the ship.                     |

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*13. EQUIPMENT [EQPT]*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

a.                                ~ HEAD GEAR ~

Bandana    |   | +1  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Bone Helmet   |   | +3  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Cat Mask   | +8  | +24 | +8  |     |     |     |     |     | +4  |    |
Circlet           |   | +3  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Cotton Hat   |   | +5  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Diamond Helm   |   | +25 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Feather Hat   |   | +5  |     |     |     | +2  |     |     | +3  |    |
Feather Trinket   |   | +3  |     |     |     | +2  |     |     | +2  |    |
Forehead Guard   |   | +2  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Gale Bandana   |   | +10 |     |     |     |     |     |     | +10 |    |
Goblin Court Hat  |   | +25 |     |     | +6  |     |     |     | +4  |    |
Gold Circlet   |   | +12 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Gold Helm   |   | +14 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Hat of Wisdom   |   | +18 |     |     | +15 |     |     |     |     |    |
Hero's Helmet     | +4 | +33 | +4  | +4  | +4  | +4  |     | +4  | +4  | +4 |
Iron Helm   |   | +5  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Leather Helm   |   | +2  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Linen Hat   |   | +1  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Lottery Ticket   |   | +5  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     | +1 |
Magical hat   |   | +7  |     |     | +3  |     |     | +4  |     |    |
Mermaid Crown   |     | +28 |     |     |     |     |     | +10 |     |    |
Mystical Circlet  |   | +28 |     |     | +20 |     |     | +20 |     |    |
Nay-Kobold Hat   |     | +14 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     | +4 |
Necklace   |   | +6  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Ninja Head Piece  |   | +15 |     |     |     | +6  |     |     | +4  |    |
Noble's Hat       |   | +16 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     | +6 |
Ogre Helm   | +8  | +10 | +8  |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Pirate Bandana   |   | +7  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Pirate King Crown | +5 | +35 | +5  | +5  |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Platinum Helm   |   | +20 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Pointy Hat   |   | +4  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Silk Hat   |   | +12 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     | +10|
Silver Circlet   |     | +8  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Silver Helm   |   | +10 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Silver Necklace   |     | +10 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Unicorn Hat   |   | +28 |     |     |     | +8  |     | +8  | |    |
Venus Comb   |     | +32 |     |     | +8  |     |     |     |     |    |
Wing Helm   | | +8  |     | +4  |     |     |     |     | +4  | +1 |
Wool Hat   |   | +6  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |

b.                               ~ BODY GEAR ~

Ancient Vestement |  | +48 |     |     |     |     |     | +6  |     |    |
Battle Suit   | +2 | +22 | +2  |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Bondage Suit      |   | +52 |     |     |     |     |     | +8  |     |    |
Bone Armor   |   | +14 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Chain Mail   |   | +7  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Corset    |   | +12 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Cotton Robe   |   | +6  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Crab Armor   |   | +15 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Diamond Mail   |   | +54 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Dragon Bone Armor |   | +53 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Feather Robe   |   | +18 |     |     | +5  | +4  |     | +10 | +2  |    |
Fog Robe   |   | +40 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Ginkaku Armor   |   | +56 |     |     |     | +5  |     |     |     |    |
Goblin Overcoat   |   | +39 |     |     | +5  | +10 |     |     |     |    |
Goddess Robe      |   | +50 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Gold Chain   |   | +24 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Gold Mail   |   | +32 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Great Earth Armor |   | +43 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Guard Robe   |   | +5  |     |     |     |     |     | +2  |     |    |
Guardian Garb   |   | +65 |     |     | +10 |     |     | +20 |     |    |
Happi Coat   |   | +10 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Hero's Armor   | +5 | +68 | +5  | +5  | +5  | +5  |     | +5  | +5  | +5 |
Holy Armor        |   | +54 | +10 |     |     |     |     |     | +10 |    |
Iron Mail   |   | +18 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Ivory Robe   |   | +36 |     |     | +4  |     |     | +4  |     |    |
Kinkaku Armor   |   | +56 |     |     |     |     |     |     | +5  |    |
Leather Armor    |   | +4  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Linen Outfit   |   | +14 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Linen Robe   |   | +3  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Magic Robe   |   | +18 |     |     | +4  |     |     | +4  |     |    |
Martial Arts Garb |   | +3  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Master's Garb     |   | +48 | +15 | +15 |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Master's Robe   |   | +23 |     |     | +4  |     |     | +4  |     |    |
Master's Vest   |   | +19 |     | +2  |     |     |     |     | +2  |    |
Mermaid Robe   |   | +58 |     |     |     | +5  |     |     |     |    |
Mythical Armor    |   | +44 |     |     |     |     |     | +12 |     |    |
Nay-Kobold Garb   |   | +18 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     | +10|
Needle Sash       |   | +4  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Night Armor   |   | +36 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Ninja Garb   |   | +25 |     |     |     | +5  |     |     | +15 |    |
Noble's Garb   |   | +36 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     | +5 |
Ogre Mail         | +30 | +25 | +30 |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
One-Piece Dress   |   | +13 |     |     |     |     |     | +2  |     |    |
Party Dress   |   | +34 |     |     |     |     |     | +6  |     | +10|
Phantasmal Coat   |   | +47 |     |     |     | +50 |     |     |     |    |
Pirate Armor      | +2 | +23 | +2  | +2  |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Pirate King Vest  | +5  | +74 | +5  | +5  |     |     |     |     | +5  |    |
Platinum Mail   |   | +50 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Red Loincloth     |   | +30 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     | +10|
Robe    |   | +2  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Robe of the Dead  | +50 | +30 | +50 | +50 | +30 |     |     |     |     |    |
Rock Armor   |   | +26 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Scale Mail   |   | +16 |     |     |     |     |     | +2  |     |    |
Shell Armor   |   | +12 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Silk Robe   |   | +34 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Silver Chain   |   | +20 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Silver Mail   |   | +26 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Splint Armor   |   | +10 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Stomach Band   |   | +2  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Tai Chi Garb   |   | +24 |     |     |     |     |     |     | +10 |    |
Thunder God's Garb|   | +22 |     |     | +1  |     |     | +2  |     |    |
Thorn Armor   |   | +8  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Tunic    |   | +2  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Unicorn Robe   |   | +56 |     |     | +5  |     |     |     |     | +5 |
Venus Armor   | +10 | +60 | +10 | +5  |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Wind-Spun Armor   |   | +51 |     |     |     |     |     |     | +15 |    |
Wing Mail   |   | +23 |     |     |     | +4  |     |     | +4  |    |
Wool Loincloth    |   | +11 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     | +5 |
Wool Robe   |   | +17 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Wool Vest   |   | +15 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |

c.                                ~ HAND GEAR ~

Bangle    |   | +4  |     |     |     | +1  |     | +1  |     |    |
Bondage Glove   |   | +25 |     |     | +4  |     |     |     | +4  | +2 |
Bone Shield   |   | +5  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Chaos Shield      |   | +45 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Cotton Mittens   |   | +2  |     |     |     |     |     | +1  |     |    |
Diamond Shield   |   | +28 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Dragon Shield   | +2 | +16 | +2  |     |     | +2  |     |     |     |    |
Feather Gloves    |   | +8  |     |     | +1  |     |     | +2  |     |    |
Gauntlet   |   | +6  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Gloves    |   | +1  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Goblin Beads      |   | +22 |     | +2  | +2  |     |     |     | +2  |    |
Gold Bracers   |   | +14 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Gold Shield   |   | +20 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Iron Shield   |   | +9  |     |     |     | +1  |     |     |     |    |
Ivory Bracelet    |   | +20 |     | +1  |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Kite Shield   |   | +12 |     |     |     | +1  |     |     |     |    |
Leather Gloves   |   | +3  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Linen Mittens   |   | +4  |     |     |     |     |     | +1  |     |    |
Long Gloves   |   | +20 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Magic Hand   |   | +12 |     |     | +2  |     |     | +4  |     |    |
Masters Wristbands| +2  | +10 | +2  | +2  |     | +2  |     |     |     |    |
Mermaid Bracelet  |   | +28 |     |     | +1  | +1  |     | +1  | +1  |    |
Mittens    |   | +1  |     |     |     |     |     | +1  |     |    |
Ninja Bracers   |   | +18 |     | +4  |     | +4  |     |     | +4  |    |
Noble's Gloves    |   | +18 |     |     |     | +3  |     |     | +3  |    |
Ogre Breath       | +5 | +15 | +5  | +2  |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Paw Gloves   |   | +16 |     |     | +2  |     |     | +2  |     | +2 |
Pirate Bracers   | +2  | +12 | +2  |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Platinum Shield   |   | +24 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Power Gloves      | +5 | +18 | +5  |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Scale Shield   |   | +4  |     |     |     | +1  |     |     |     |    |
Shell Shield   | +1 | +7  | +1  |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Silk Gloves   |   | +18 |     |     | +1  |     |     | +1  |     |    |
Silver Bracers    |   | +10 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Silver Shield   |   | +16 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Unicorn Bracelet  |   | +28 |     |     |     | +2  |     | +4  |     |    |
Venus Gloves   |   | +32 |     |     | +2  | +5  |     | +2  |     |    |
Wing Shield   |     | +11 |     |     |     | +4  |     |     | +4  |    |
Wool Mittens   |   | +6  |     |     |     |     |     | +1  |     |    |
Wristbands   |   | +2  |     |     |     |     |     | +1  |     |    |

d.                               ~ FOOT GEAR ~

Anklet    |   | +3  |     |     |     | +1  |     | +1  |     |    |
Bone Boots   |   | +4  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Cotton Shoes   |   | +5  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Diamond Boots   |   | +24 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Feather Shoes   | | +7  |     |     |     | +1  |     |     | +1  |    |
Fur Shoes   |   | +2  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Goblin Clogs   |   | +18 |     | +2  |     | +2  |     |     |     |    |
Gold Anklet   |   | +12 |     |     | +2  |     |     |     |     |    |
Gold Boots   |   | +18 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Guardian Sandals  |   | +23 |     |     | +2  |     |     | +2  |     |    |
Hero's Shoes   | +2 | +25 | +2  | +2  | +2  | +2  |     | +2  | +2  | +2 |
Iron Boots   |   | +6  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Ivory Sandals   |   | +18 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Knee Socks   |   | +4  |     |     |     | +2  |     | +1  |     |    |
Leather Boots   |   | +3  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Leg Armor   |   | +7  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Linen Shoes   |   | +6  |     |     |     |     |     | +1  |     |    |
Magic Sandals   |   | +12 |     |     | +5  |     |     | +1  |     |    |
Mermaid Sandals   |  | +20 |     |     |     | +2  |     | +5  |     |    |
Master's Shoes   | +1 | +8  | +1  | +1  |     | +1  |     |     | +1  |    |
Ninja Leggings   |   | +14 |     |     |     | +4  |     |     | +4  |    |
Noble's Shoes     |   | +16 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     | +4 |
Ogre Boots        | +5  | +10 | +5  |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Paw Shoes   |   | +14 |     |     |     |     |     | +3  |     | +3 |
Pirate Boots   |   | +12 |     |     |     | +3  |     |     |     |    |
Pirate King Shoes |   | +28 |     | +2  |     |     |     |     | +4  |    |
Platinum Boots   |   | +20 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Sandals    |   | +1  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Shell Sandals   |   | +4  |     |     |     |     |     | +2  | +2  |    |
Shin Guards   |   | +4  |     |     |     | +1  |     |     |     |    |
Shoes    |   | +2  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Silk Sandals   |   | +15 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Silk Shoes   |   | +14 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Silver Anklet   |   | +8  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Silver Boots   |   | +14 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Spiked Heels   | +4  | +18 | +4  | +2  | +2  |     |     |     |     |    |
Thief Shoes   |   | +3  |     |     |     | +5  |     |     | +5  |    |
Unicorn Boots     |     | +18 |     |     | +3  |     |     | +2  |     |    |
Venus Anklet   |   | +20 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    |
Wing Boots   |   | +10 |     |     |     | +4  |     |     | +4  |    |
Wool Shoes   |   | +9  |     |     |     |     |     | +1  |     |    |

e.                              ~ ACCESSORIES ~

- Cape: DEF + 5, MDF +1, EVA +1
- Cape of Darkness: DEF +12, MDF +10, EVA +5
- Counter Ring: DEF +3, SKL +5, increases chance of countering
- Crimson Cape: DEF +14, MAG +10
- Earth Magic Ring: DEF +3, increases earth magic ATK
- Fire Magic Ring: DEF +3, ATK +5, STR +5, increases fire magic ATK
- Flame Amulet: DEF +3, ATK +5, STR +5, increases fire resistance
- Fur Cape: DEF +9, MDF +2, EVA +2
- Gold Emblem: DEF + 3, MDF +10
- Guard Ring: DEF +5, MDF +4
- Lucky Ring: DEF +3, LUC +15
- Magic Canceller: DEF +3, Nullifies a harmful spell cast on character once 
                   per battle.
- Magic Ring: DEF +3, MDF +5, MAG +15
- Pearl Bracelet: DEF +10, MDF +2, MAG +8
- Pearl Necklace: DEF +10, MDF +2, MAG +4
- Pearl Ring: DEF +8, MDF +2, MAG +2
- Power Ring: DEF +3, ATK +15, STR +15
- Speed Ring: DEF +3, SPD +15
- Thunder Amulet: DEF +3, increases thunder resistance
- Thunder Magic Ring: Def +3, increases thunder magic ATK
- Water Amulet: DEF +3, increases water resistance
- Water Magic Ring: DEF +3, increases water magic ATK
- Wind Amulet: DEF +3, SPD +5, increases wind resistance
- Wind Magic Ring: DEF +3, SPD +5, increases wind magic ATK
- Wooden Amulet: DEF +5

f.                           ~ EQUIPMENT SETS ~

As you've probably noticed, much of the equipment you're collecting shares a
root word with another helmet, or glove, etc. These are called sets, and 
getting every piece of equipment in the set (head, body, and hand), then 
equipping them on a character will give a significant boost to certain stats
in addition to the boosts the equipment gives individually. The sets and the 
stats that they boost are as follows:

Bondage Set - MDF, SPD, EVA
Diamond Set - MDF, PDF
Dragon Set - MDF, PDF, Fire Resistance
Goblin Set - ATK
Guardian - PDF
Hero Set - ATK, SPD, SKL
Magic Set - Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Dark, Lightning Resistance, MAG
Master Set - ATK, SKL, PDF
Mermaid Set - MDF, Water Immunity
Ninja Set - SPD
Noble Set - SPD, MDF, MAG, Small HP recovery every turn
Ogre Set - Wearer is berserked
Pirate Set - PDF, ATK, Water Resistance
Pirate King Set - MDF, PDF
Platinum Set - MDF, MAG
Silk Set - MDF, MAG, SPD
Unicorn Set - Slight HP recovery every turn
Venus Set - MDF
Warrior - ATK
Wing Set - LUC, EVA, SPD, Wind Resistance

|~~~~~~~~~~~*14. THE SMITHY, CREATING EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS [TSEQ]*~~~~~~~~~~~|

All Smithies have the common function of being able to upgrade a weapon's 
level, and to add a rune piece which gives a weapon's normal attack an 
elemental attribute. Upgrading your weapons is VERY imporant, and quite costly
unless you've ammassed millions of potch through hundreds of hours of playtime
like I have. :-P You can upgrade your weapons all the way up to level 16, 
although only Adrienna (your ship's blacksmith) can bring them to this level.
But to even get to this level you'll first need the Golden Hammer, which is 
found in a chest in the Obel Ruins, where you must first defeat an Angel
Hairball there. In addition to the Golden Hammer, there are three other 
hammers which raises the level you are allowed to upgrade to earlier in the 

Iron Hammer: Level 9, In the Obel Ruins, defeat the boss Guard.
Copper Hammer: Level 12, Inside a treasure chest on Hermitage Island.
Silver Hammer: Level 15, After the liberation of Razril, and BEFORE YOU LEAVE
               THE ISLAND AFTER ITS LIBERATION, search the treasure chest in 
               the Hall of Knights.
Golden Hammer: Level 16, Chest in the Ruins of Obel, defeat the Angel Hairball.

As mentioned earlier, upgrading your weaponry is quite costly, especially at
higer levels. 

Level 2 -  300 Potch
Level 3 -  600 Potch
Level 4 -  1500 Potch
Level 5 -  2700 Potch
Level 6 -  3500 Potch
Level 7 -  4500 Potch
Level 8 -  7000 Potch
Level 9 -  11000 Potch
Level 10 - 18000 Potch
Level 11 - 27000 Potch
Level 12 - 35000 Potch
Level 13 - 43000 Potch
Level 14 - 52000 Potch
Level 15 - 60000 Potch
Level 16 - 70000 Potch

As an interesting touch, each character's weapon has a different name for 
every several levels gained. 

At Adrienne's Smithy on your ship, you can also create equipment, with 
different equipment becoming available with each hammer you obtain. You can 
also create equipment with Phil in the Shipwright's Room. Doing both of these
requires certain materials, however. 

Cloth and Ores are bought at Trading Posts. To get 'Normal' and ' Good' cloth 
and ore you must buy and sell to another location ten of the 'Bad' items and 
then 40 of the 'Normal' items respectively, and then the next level of item 
will become available at the post you sold the previous ones to. Other 
materials must be found:

Bone - Defeat Skeletons.
Diamond - Found in treasure chests, defeat Golem and Killer Golem in the Obel
          Ruins. Can also be won at Noah's card game, 5000 Potch wager.
Dragon Bone - Defeat Leviathans, Water Dragon
Dragon's Scale - Defeat Leviathans, Water Dragon
Feather - Dropped by various bird enemies (Ice Bird, Poison Bird, etc.)
Frog's Skin - Dropped by large frog enemies (Ogre Frog, Demon Frog, etc., most
          easily procured from Savage Frogs on the Deserted Island).
Giant Bird's Feather - Dropped by bird enemies (most easily by the Ice Bird)
Giant Crab's Shell - Dropped by crab enemies (Metal Cram, most easily by the
          Fire Crab, although the Fire Crab takes along time to defeat until
          you're at higher levels and can simply use slash on him).
Horn - Dropped by Bloody Behemoths.
Pearl - Can be bought at various Trading Posts, or net-fished outside of the
          Deserted Island
Pearl Shell - Dropped by the Land Shell and Tentacles, most easily gotten by
          simply parking the ship outside the Deserted Island and net-fishing
Platinum - Found in treasure chests, defeat Golem, Guard and Killer Golem in 
          the Obel Ruins. Can also be won at Noah's card game, 5000 Potch 
Scale - Dropped by Poison Lizards, Spiny Geckoes, and various 'fish' enemies.
Seashell - Dropped by Wild Crabs, net-fish outside of the Deserted Island.
Shell - Dropped by Rock Crabs, net-fish outside of the Deserted Island.
Silk - Dropped by Moss Behemoths and Queen Sprouts on the Deserted Island, 
          Savage Roots on Iluya Island.
Skin - Dropped by various 'frog' enemies.
Unicorn's Horn - Dropped by various unicorn enemies, as well as the Demon 
          Hairball, Fossil Beast, and Spiny Gecko.

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*15. THE SHIP [TSHP]*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

a.                            ~  THE BRIDGE ~

Nothing here... just talk to people if you want.

b.                        ~  FIRST DECK CORRIDOR ~

Home to the Hero's, Lino En Kuldes's and the Tactician's (Elenor's) rooms. It
also has the Comment Box by your room, which you should check some times for
the humorous comments your fellow Stars of Destiny will give.

c.                         ~ SECOND DECK CORRIDOR ~

You'll probably be using this floor more than any other. On it is Viki and her
Blinking Mirror which makes transporting yourself across the Island Nations
exponentially easier. Desmond is also here, and he allows you to change your 
party and view the roster to see how many Stars of Destiny you've collected so
far. There's also the War Room, which you will often be using to advance the
plot. So if you're not sure of where to go next, it's usually a good bet to
try going there. There is also...

I. Rear Deck and Fishing

Fishing! That's all there is here, but it's quite important. It's run by 
Ugetsu and Shiramine, who handle solo-fishing and net-fishing respectively.
When net-fishing, make sure you have characters in your party who have high 
luck, as it increases your chances of finding rarer items. One note about
fishing, there doesn't seem to be any difference in whether you move your
ship while fishing or just leave it sitting there for awhile. The best way to
fish I've found is to simply leave your ship floating for several minutes 
while you go make a sandwich or read a book or something. Sailing around
mindlessly in the ocean can be mind-numbing after more than a minute, after
all. The following is a list of what items can be found around which areas by


Pearl Shell
Ocean Floor Carpet
Coral Table
Stone of Skill
Stone of Defense
Lightning Rune Piece


Red Snapper


Snowe's Pirate Garb
Ocean Rune Piece
Voodoo Doll
Gorgeous Sofa
Log Display Stand
Fancy Sofa


Ocean Rune Piece
Red Snapper
Natural Wood Bench
Lightnine Rune Piece


Abstract Art
Stone of Strength
Stone of Magic Defense
Tiger Carpet
Mink Wallpaper
Fancy Wall Paper


Good Luck Cat
Seashell Bench
Blue Fox Desk


Fire Rune Piece
Ocean Rune Piece
Red Snapper


Pot of Failure
Pot of Na-Nal
Stone of Speed
Puffer Fish
Log Table
Fire Rune Piece
Ocean Rune Piece


Pot of Nay
Pot of Failure
Ocean Rune Piece
Lilan (74)
Red Snapper


Pot of Failure
Pot of Obel
Window Set 6
Window Set 8
Wind Rune Piece
Water Rune Piece
Ocean Rune Piece
Forest Carpet
Stone of Strength
Pot of Failure
Pot of Obel


Knight Statue
Snowe's Noble Garb
Ocean Rune Piece
Knight Statue
Noble Painting


Simple Display Stand
Earth Rune Piece
Pot of Failure
Fancy Carpet


Stone of Magic
Ocean Rune Piece
Natural Wood Display Stand


Gold Pot
Pot of Failure
Natural Wood Display Stand

d.                            ~ THIRD DECK CORRIDOR ~

Here's where all the shops on your ship are, so it's a very important floor. 
Pecola's room will give you a place to put all that nice furniture you've been
collecting throughout the game. Taisuke's Bath is also here, more on that in a
bit. Kevin's shop will allow you to cook up all those Sardines and Mackerels
and such that you've been catching while fishing.

 I. Shops:

~ Nabokov's Shop (appraiser shop)~
~ Bang's Lottery ~
        Gold - Pirate King Crown, Diamond
        Red - Sunbeam Orb
        Green - Jizo Clock
        Blue - Mega Medicine
        White - Medicine
~ Chadli's Shop (equipment shop) ~
 Medicine, 50 Potch
 Mega Medicine, 150 Potch
 Cough Drop, 50 Potch
 Needle, 50 Potch
 Antitoxin, 50 Potch
 Jizo Clock, 500 Potch
 Escape Talisman, 200 Potch
 Steamed Bun, 100 Potch
 Meat Bun, 200 Potch
 Crab Bun, 350 Potch
 Broiled Fish, 100 Potch
 Mackerel Miso Stew, 150 Potch
 Bandana, 80 Potch
 Leather Helm, 120 Potch
 Forehead Guard, 120 Potch
 Circlet, 120 Potch
 Iron Helm, 500 Potch
 Wool Hat, 700 Potch
 Silver Circlet, 2000 Potch
 Magical Hat, 3000 Potch
 Nay-Kobold Hat, 3800 Potch
 Gold Circlet, 4800 Potch
 Silver Helm, 5250 Potch
 Gold Helm, 6500 Potch
 Platinum Helm, 8000 Potch
 Diamond Helm, 12000 Potch
 Silk Hat, 8000 Potch
 Stomach Band, 150 Potch
 Tunic, 120 Potch
 Leather Armor, 250 Potch 
 Chain Mail, 350 Potch
 Happi Coat, 600 Potch
 Wool Loincloth, 700 Potch
 Corset, 800 Potch
 Iron Mail, 1600 Potch
 Linen Outfit, 1500 Potch
 Wool Vest, 2100 Potch
 Wool Robe, 2600 Potch
 Silver Chain, 3600 Potch
 Gold Chain, 5400 Potch
 Feather Robe, 3800 Potch
 Pirate Armor, 6500 Potch 
 Night Armor, 14000 Potch
 Silver Mail, 8800 Potch
 Gold Mail, 12000 Potch
 Tai Chi Garb, 10000 Potch
 Silk Robe, 14500 Potch
 Platinum Mail, 23000 Potch
 Diamond Mail, 32000 Potch
 Gloves, 120 Potch
 Wristbands, 250 Potch
 Cotton Mittens, 180 Potch
 Leather Gloves, 180 Potch
 Bangle, 250 Potch
 Wool Mittens, 500 Potch
 Kite Shield, 3500 Potch
 Silver Bracers, 3000 Potch
 Gold Bracers, 4000 Potch
 Pirate Bracers, 2700 Potch
 Paw Gloves, 5000 Potch
 Gold Shield, 7500 Potch
 Noble's Gloves, 8500 Potch
 Platinum Shield, 11000 Potch
 Diamond Shield, 16000 Potch
 Sandals, 70 Potch
 Shoes, 120 Potch
 Knee Socks, 350 Potch
 Anklet, 400 Potch
 Iron Boots, 500 Potch
 Leg Armor, 700 Potch
 Silver Anklet, 820 Potch
 Gold Anklet, 1700 Potch
 Pirate Boots, 2000 Potch
 Silver Boots, 2300 Potch
 Magic Sandals, 2200 Potch
 Paw Shoes, 3000 Potch
 Silk Shoes, 5500 Potch
 Gold Boots, 7000 Potch
 Platinum Boots, 8400 Potch
 Diamond Boots, 12000 Potch
 Guard Ring, 2000 Potch
 Counter Ring, 20000 Potch
 Lucky Ring, 20000 Potch
 Power Ring, 20000 Potch
 Speed Ring, 20000 Potch
 Wind Amulet, 2200 Potch
 Thunder Amulet, 2200 Potch
~ Funghi's Shop ~
        Salad, 150 Potch
        Broiled Fish, 100 Potch
        Knight's Lunch, 200 Potch
        Special Lunch, 500 Potch
~ Jeane's Shop (rune shop) ~
        Fire Orb, 500 Potch
        Water Orb, 500 Potch
        Lightning Orb, 500 Potch
        Wind Orb, 500 Potch
        Earth Orb, 500 Potch
        Double-Strike Potch, 20000 Potch
        Violence Orb, 10000 Potch
        Medicine Orb, 5000 Potch
        Drain Orb, 8000 Potch
        Killer Orb, 5000 Potch
        Warrior Orb, 50000 Potch
        Wizard Orb, 50000 Potch
        Sunbeam Orb, 10000 Potch
        Alert Orb, 10000 Potch
        Counter Orb, 5000 Potch
~ Bun Shop ~
        Steamed Bun, 100 Potch
        Meat Bun, 200 Potch
        Crab Bun, 350 Potch
~ Adrienne's Shop (smithy, materials location is listed in [TSEQ]) ~

        ~ HEAD GEAR ~
        Leather Helm:       Bad Iron Ore x 1, Skin x 1
        Forehead Guard:     Bad Iron Ore x 1
        Circlet:            Bad Silver Ore x 1
        Bone Helmet:        Bad Iron Ore x 1, Bone x 2
 Feather Trinket:    Bad Gold Ore x 1, Feather x 1
        Necklace:           Normal Iron Ore x 1, Skin x 2
        Iron Helm:          Normal Iron Ore x 2
        Silver Circlet:     Normal Silver Ore x 2
        Silver Necklace:    Normal Silver Ore x 2, Skin x 10
        Gold Circlet:       Normal Gold Ore x 2, Feather x 2
        Wing Helm:          Normal Iron Ore x 2, Giant Bird's Feather x 1
        Silver Helm:        Good Silver Ore x 2
        Platinum Helm:      Platinum x 2
        Diamond Helm:       Diamond x 2
        Ogre Helm:          Good Gold Ore x 2, Giant Crab's Shell x 1
        Cat Mask:           Platinum x 1, Frog's Skin x 1
        Mermaid Crown:      Platinum x 1, Pearl Shell x 1
        Venus Comb:         Diamond x 1, Pearl Shell x 1
        ~BODY GEAR~
        Leather Armor:      Bad Iron Ore x 1, Skin x 1
        Needle Sash:        Bad Iron Ore x 1, Horn x 1
        Chain Mail:         Bad Iron Ore x 3
        Thorn Armor:        Bad Silver Ore x 1, Horn x 1
        Splint Armor:       Bad Silver Ore x 1, Feather x 1
        Corset:             Bad Gold Ore x 2
        Shell Armor:        Bad Gold Ore x 2, Seashell x 2
        Crab Armor:         Bad Silver Ore x 2, Shell x 2
        Bone Armor:         Bad Iron Ore x 2, Bone x 2
        Iron Mail:          Normal Iron Ore x 2
        Scale Mail:         Normal Iron Ore x 1, Scale x 2
        Battle Suit:        Normal Silver Ore x 4, Skin x 4
        Silver Chain:       Normal Silver Ore x 4
        Gold Chain:         Normal Gold Ore x 4
        Wing Mail:          Normal Iron Ore x 4, Giant Bird's Feather x 1
        Pirate Armor:       Normal Silver Ore x 4, Giant Crab's Shell x 1
        Rock Armor:         Normal Gold Ore x 4, Pearl Shell x 1
        Night Armor:        Good Iron Ore x 15, Scale x 10
        Silver Mail:        Good Silver Ore x 4
        Platinum Mail:      Platinum x 4
        Diamond Mail:       Diamond x 4
        Ginkaku Armor:      Good Silver Ore x 10, Unicorn's Horn x 2
        Kinkaku Armor:      Good Gold Ore x 10, Unicorn's Horn x 2
        Mythical Armor:     Platinum x 4, Unicorn's Horn x 2
        Wind-Spun Armor:    Good Gold Ore x 4, Giant Bird's Feather x 2
        Bondage Suit:       Diamond x 2, Frog's Skin x 2
        Ogre Mail:          Good Gold Ore x 4, Giant Crab's Shell x 2
        Holy Armor:         Platinum x 2, Dragon Scale x 2
        Dragon Bone Armor:  Diamond x 2, Dragon's Bone x 2
        Master's Garb:      Platinum x 2, Giant Bird's Feather x 2
        Venus Armor:        Diamond x 2, Pearl Shell x2

        ~HAND GEAR~
        Leather Gloves:     Bad Iron Ore x 1, Skin x 1
        Scale Shield:       Bad Iron Ore x 1, Scale x 1
        Bone Shield:        Bad Iron Ore x 1, Bone x 1
        Bangle:             Bad Silver Ore x 2
        Shell Shield:       Bad Gold Ore x 1, Shell x 1
        Gauntlet:           Normal Iron Ore x 1, Skin x 1
        Iron Shield:        Normal Iron Ore x 2
        Kite Shield:        Normal Iron Ore x 1, Feather x 2
        Silver Bracers:     Normal Silver Ore x 2
        Gold Bracers:       Normal Gold Ore x 2
        Wing Shield:        Normal Iron Ore x 2, Giant Bird's Feather x 1
        Pirate Bracers:     Normal Silver Ore x 2, Giant Crab's Shell x 1
        Dragon Shield:      Good Iron Ore x 2, Dragon Scale x 1
        Silver Shield:      Good Silver Ore x 2
        Platinum Shield:    Platinum x 2
        Diamond Shield:     Diamond x 2
        Ivory Bracelet:     Good Gold Ore x 2, Dragon's Bone x 1
        Ogre Breath:        Good Gold Ore x 2, Giant Crab's Shell x 1    
        Bondage Glove:      Diamond x 2, Frog's Skin x 1
        Unicorn Bracelet:   Platinum x 2, Unicorn's Horn x 2
        Mermaid Bracelet:   Platinum x 2, Pearl Shell x 2

        ~FOOT GEAR~
        Leather Boots:      Bad Iron Ore x 1, Skin x 1
        Bone Boots:         Bad Iron Ore x 1, Bone x 1
        Anklet:             Bad Iron Ore x 2 
        Shin Guards:        Bad Gold Ore x 1, Skin x 1
        Iron Boots:         Normal Iron Ore x 2
        Leg Armor:          Normal Iron Ore x 2
        Silver Anklet:      Normal Silver Ore x 2
        Wing Boots:         Normal Iron Ore x 1, Giant Bird's Feather x 1
        Gold Anklet:        Normal Gold Ore x 2
        Pirate Boots:       Normal Silver Ore x 1, Giant Crab's Shell x 1
        Silver Boots:       Good Silver Ore x 2
        Spiked Heels:       Diamond x 1, Frog's Skin x 1
        Ogre Boots:         Good Gold Ore x 2, Giant Crab's Shell x 1
        Unicorn Boots:      Platinum x 2, Unicorn's Horn x 1
        Venus Anklet:       Diamond x 2, Pearl Shell x 1

 II. Bath

The Bath is run by Taisuke, and is a Suikoden tradition. You gain new bath
backgrounds simply by visiting various locations, and in one case just by
recruiting Reinbach (10). You can change the motif of your bath and place
certain and antiques and such in it, but the real attraction of the bath is 
the dialogues that will happen when you enter it with certain characters in 
your party. The characters you need in your party to have a dialogue are:

- Hero ONLY
- Hero, Keneth, Tal, Snowe
- Flare and Lino
- Chiepoo, Nalkul, Champo
- Jewel and Paula
- Dario and Nalleo
- Kate and Mizuki
- Jeremy, Reinhold, Mitsuba
- Yu and Trishtan
- Ugetsu and Shiraine
- Aldo and Ted
- Katarina (presumably alone since she's the only one who speaks, but I also
       had Konrad in my party, so...)
- Reinbach and Charlemagne
- Pablo and Warlock
- Gretchen, Helga, Millay
- Jeane and Viki
- Ameria, Maxine, Deborah
- Hervey, Sigurd, Helmut
- Rita and Noah
- Rita and Mizuki
- Konrad and Eugene
- Gau and Dario

I'm undoubtedly missing some, so if anyone wants to send in a combination they
know, feel free and you'll get due credit. ;)

III. Pecola and the Ornament Room

Give Pecola all the decorations that you've been acquiring throughout the game
and you can then decorate the Ornament Room in whatever style you want. There
are six different sets to be gotten, and decorating your room with each item
in that set will allow you to go in there and see a couple characters and talk
with them. The sets are:


FANCY SET (Reinbach and Charlemagne)

Fancy Carpet - Net-fish in the Southern Ocean.
Fancy Wallpaper - Net-fish around Middleport.
Fancy Table - Treasure Map 11.
Fancy Sofa - Net-fish around Iluya Island.
Fancy Console - Treasure Chest in the Secret Underground Path (Middleport).


FOREST SET (Aldo and Gau)

Forest Carpet - Net-fish around Obel.
Forest Wallpaper - Treasure Map 27.
Log Desk - Net-fish around Na-Nal Island.
Log Bench - Treasure Map 3.
Log Display Stand - Net-fish around Iluya.


SIMPLE SET (Frederica and Helmut)

Simple Carpet - Treasure Map 5.
Simple Wallpaper - Examine the objects inside the Kooluk Advanced Army Base 
                   section of Iluya Island.
Simple Table - Net-fish in the Northern Ocean.
Simple Sofa - 15 wins in Basil's Tops mini-game.
Simple Display Stand - Net-fish in the Southern Ocean.


ANIMAL SET (Oskar and Setsu)

Tiger Carpet - Net-fish around Middleport.
Mink Wallpaper - Net-fish around Middleport.
Blue Fox Desk - Net-fish around Mordo Island.
Sheepskin Sofa - Champo's Mouse-Catching mini-game, 'Large' and 'Normal'.
Chinchilla Stand - Treasure Chest on Iluya Island.


OCEAN SET (Lilen and Lilan)

Ocean Floor Carpet - Net-fish around the Deserted Island.
Wave Wallpaper - After the liberation of Obel, talk to the woman there in 
                 front of the Armor Shop, by the well.
Coral Table - Net-fish around the Deserted Island.
Seashell Bench - Net-fish around Mordo Island.
Coral Console - Treasure Map 8.



Ocean Floor Carpet - Net-fish around the Deserted Island.
Sliding Door - Treasure Chest in the Secret Underground Path (Middleport).
Natural Wood Desk - Champo's Mouse-Catching mini-game, 'Large' and 'Shiny'.
Natural Wood Bench - Net-fish around Lime Shelf Island.
Natural Wood Stand - Net-fish in the Central Ocean. 

e.                         ~ FOURTH DECK CORRIDOR ~

Another important floor, as there's alot to be done here. Inside the Doctor's
Room is Yu, who will heal you for free. In the Ward is Carrie, who has a small
item shop. Dario and Nalleo's, Gary and Ema's, Ted's, Katarina's, and Rakgi
and Rikie's rooms are all on this floor. In Deborah's room, you can talk to
Deborah for hints on where certain Stars of Destiny that you are missing are
located at.

- Carrie's Shop -
        Medicine, 50 Potch
        Mega Medicine, 150 Potch
        Antitoxin, 50 Potch
        Cough Drop, 50 Potch
        Needle, 50 Potch
        Jizo Clock, 500 Potch

Back towards the end of the corridor is the Confession Room and the Library.

I. Keen Confession Room

The Confession Room is... interesting, to say the least. Keen (21) runs it, 
and you must come alone with no one else in your party to use it. When you 
talk to Keen, a segment will begin in which an "anonymous" Star of Destiny
will enter the room. You can often tell who it is by the silhouette given on
the wall. Keen will pose a series of questions to the anonymous character: Do 
you have any problems with anyone on the ship, what do you think of the Hero,
and do you have anything you would like to confess or anything else to say. At
the end, you get to either forgive or punish the person, using the analog
stick to nod your head in the affirmative or negative. If you forgive the 
person, they are showered with confetti... if you punish them, a large wooden
block falls right on their head. Whether you forgive a person or not has
absolutely no effect on anything whatsoever... the Confession Room serves 
mainly as a place to gain some insights into your comrades. All in all, pretty

II. Tanya and Old Books

Inside the library you will find Tanya (37), who is in charge of the Old Books 
you discover throughout the game. Bring them to her and she will translate 
them into something readable. 

- Old Book Volume 1 - "Birth of Rune Cannons"

Treasure Map 2 on Donut Island.

- Old Book Volume 2 - "Lives of Pirates" 

Beat Basil 10 times at the Tops mini-game.

- Old Book Volume 3 - "Man-hunting Incident"
Chest in Bartholomew's house in the Nay-Kobold Settlement.

- Old Book Volume 4 - "Bargain List"

Inside of a chest in your prison cell in Na-Nal.

- Old Book Volume 5 - "Introduction to Trade"

Mouse Catching mini-game, skill level 'average' and 'slippery'

- Old Book Volume 6 - "Easy Way to Make Defensive Equipment (Armor Chapter)"

Search the bookcase by the Inn Keeper in the Nay Town Inn

- Old Book Volume 7 - "Easy Way to Make Defensive Equipment (Clothes Chapter)"

Chest in the 'Destroyed Town' section on Iulya Island.

- Old Book Volume 8 - "About Accessories"

Search the bookcase in the Warlock's room down in the Secret Underground Path
(Middleport dungeon).

- Old Book Volume 9 - "The El-Eal Battle"

Treasure Chest in the Hall of Knights.

- Old Book Volume 10 - "The Story of Creation"

Mouse Catching mini-game, skill level 'large' and 'slippery'.

III. Rene and Treasure Maps

Take all those Treasure Maps you find and bring them to Rene here, who will
analyze them. After you do that, head to various Islands to collect the 
treasure on them. You should encounter Mordo Island normally, as well as Donut
Island. Lime Shelf Island is located in the bottom left corner of the world 
map. Mountain Mass Island is to the far left about 3/4 the way up the map. 
Donut Island is directly east of the top part of the Obel Kingdom island. Once
you reach an island, walk around it, paying attention to when a beeping noise
sounds. As you near where the treasure is buried, the beeping noise will start
to intensify, and when it stops suddenly when it was before beeping rapidly, 
that's where the treasure is, so press 'X' and dig! 

The map and the island where the treasure is are both determined randomly. The
only constant is what treasure corresponds to which map. There are some 
defining characteristics to each island however which make it easier to 
identify which island a map is showing. Donut Island is quite cimple and
circular. Lime Shelf Island will often have several brown circle on the map
and generally have some complicated features. Mordo and Mountain Mass Island's 
maps will usually have a simple part of the path shown. 

The Treasure Maps and their treasure are:

Map 1 - Rage Orb
Map 2 - Old Book vol. 1
Map 3 - Log Bench
Map 4 - Flowing Orb
Map 5 - Simple Carpet
Map 6 - Ninja Garb
Map 7 - Window Set 5
Map 8 - Coral Console
Map 9 - Shell Shield
Map 10 - Thief Shoes
Map 11 - Fancy Table
Map 12 - Ancient Vestiment
Map 13 - Thunder Orb
Map 14 - Magic Canceller
Map 15 - Canvas 3
Map 16 - Champion's Orb
Map 17 - Diamond, 5000 Potch
Map 18 - Cyclone Orb
Map 19 - Slash Orb and 1000 Potch
Map 20 - Nay-Kobold Hat, 2000 Potch
Map 21 - Tatami Mat
Map 22 - Thunder Amulet, 5000 Potch
Map 23 - Wool Robe and 2000 Potch
Map 24 - Wing Boots and 1000 Potch
Map 25 - God Hand
Map 26 - Dragon Head Piece
Map 27 - Forest Wallpaper
Map 28 - Kite Shield, 2000 Potch
Map 29 - Mother Earth Orb
Map 30 - Guardian Circlet

f.                           ~ FIFTH DECK CORRIDOR ~

This corridor is home to a few key rooms as well as the Rune Cannon Control 

I. Reinhold and the Training Hall

This has already been covered very well by Rchoe's awesome Level 99 Guide. I 
definitely recommend checking it out, as the Training Hall is incredibly 
useful for later on in the game once you're around level 50 when it becomes 
quite hard to gain EXP.

II. Cultivation Room

The Cultivation Room is quite an interesting place, and rivals Keen's 
Confession Room in terms of weirdness. It is run by Mao (49) and Nao (76), and
is used to grow various mushrooms and mints, grown by Mao and Nao,
respectively. Talk to Mao or Nao, and they will ask you a series of questions
regarding how you want the plants to be cultivated.

"How humid should this room be kept?"

1. Damp.
2. A little dry.
3. Very dry.

"How hot should this room be kept?"

1. Really, really cold.
2. Slightly warm.
3. Stuffy and humid.

"How bright will this room be?"

1. Pitch-black.
2. Well-lit.
3. Blindingly bright!

"What are you going to do... about the room's ventilation?"

1. None.
2. Maybe a little bit of air.
3. Open those windows wide!

"Fertilizer is imporant... hehehe..."

1. Yes, let's use plenty.
2. Just a bit will do.
3. We don't need fertilizer.

The following are the list of the various Mints and Mushrooms which can be
created. The numbers listed correspond to which answer you choose for each of
the five questions.

Bucket Mint: 3, 1, 3, 3, 3
Bucket Mushroom: 3, 3, 1, 1, 1
Gloomy Mint: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Gloomy Mushroom: 1, 1, 1, 1, 3
Mint: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
Mushroom: 1, 1, 3, 1, 3
Mysterious Mint: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Mysterious Mushroom: 1, 1, 2, 2, 2
Poisonous Mint: 1, 2, 2, 2, 3
Poisonous Mushroom: 1, 2, 2, 2, 2
Silence Mint: 2, 2, 2, 1, 2
Silence Mushroom: 1, 1, 3, 1, 2
Sleep Mint: 2, 2, 3, 3, 3
Sleep Mushroom: 1, 1, 2, 1, 1

III. Shipwright's Room

Talk to Tov here and you can customize your fleet. Bring the other two 
Canvases you find here, which allows you to change the outward appearance of
the sails of your ship. You can also boost the stats of your various ships 
using the 'Ocean Rune Piece's that you find. 'Shooting Distance' affects the
ship's range, 'Armoring' affects how many hits the ship can take, and Mobility
affects the ship's, well, mobility. 

Canvas 1 (default) - White and red sails.
Canvas 2 - Beige and burgundy sails.
Canvas 3 - Black and white sails.

Phil runs his customization shop here. Take the various material you collect
during the game to Phil and he can create equipment out of them. The location 
of these various materials is listed in the Smithy, Creating Equipment,
Materials section [TSEQ].


Bandana:             Bad Cotton Cloth x 1
Fur Mask:            Bad Wool Cloth x 1, Skin x 1
Pointy Hat:          Bad Flax Cloth x 2
Cotton Hat:          Normal Cotton Cloth x 1, Feather x 1
Linen Hat:           Normal Flax Cloth x 1, Feather x 2
Wool Hat:            Normal Wool Cloth x 1, Feather x 2
Feather Hat:         Normal Cotton Cloth x 1, Giant Bird's Feather x 1
Master's Headband:   Normal Cotton Cloth x 1, Frog's Skin x 1
Pirate Bandana:      Normal Flax Cloth x 1, Giant Crab's Shell x 1
Magical Hat:         Normal Flax Cloth x 2, Unicorn's Horn x 1
Nay-Kobold Hat:      Good Wool Cloth x 2, Skin x 10
Gale Bandana:        Good Cotton Cloth x 2, Feather x 20
Noble's Hat:         Silk x 1, Feather x 20
Hat of Wisdom:       Good Wool Cloth x 2, Unicorn's Horn x 1
Ninja Head Piece:    Good Flax Cloth x 2, Frog's Skin x 1
Ribbon:              Silk x 1, Pearl Shell x 1
Goblin Court Hat:    Good Flax Cloth x 2, Giant Bird's Feather x 1
Silk Hat:            Silk x 1
Unicorn Hat:         Silk x 1, Unicorn's Horn x 1


Stomach Band:        Bad Wool Cloth x 1
Tunic:               Bad Flax Cloth x 2
Robe:                Bad Cotton Cloth x 1, Feather x 1
Martial Arts Garb:   Bad Cotton Cloth x 1, Skin x 1
Guard Robe:          Bad Wool Cloth x 1, Shell x 1
Cotton Robe:         Normal Cotton Cloth x 1, Feather x 1
Happi Coat:          Normal Cotton Cloth x 2
Wool Loincloth:      Normal Wool Cloth x 1
Linen Outfit:        Normal Flax Cloth x 1
One-Piece Dress:     Normal Flax Cloth x 1, Seashell x 2
Linen Robe:          Normal Flax Cloth x 1, Feather x 2
Wool Vest:           Normal Wool Cloth x 2 
Wool Robe:           Normal Wool Cloth x 2, Feather x 2
Feather Robe:        Normal Cotton Cloth x 2, Giant Bird's Feather x 1
Master's Vest:       Normal Wool Cloth x 2, Frog's Skin x 1
Magic Robe:          Normal Flax Cloth x 2, Unicorn's Horn x 1
Thunder God's Garb:  Normal Wool Cloth x 2, Dragon Scale x 1
Master's Robe:       Good Cotton Cloth x 4, Feather x 10
Tai Chi Garb:        Good Flax Cloth x 4, Dragon Scale x 1
Nay-Kobold Garb:     Good Wool Cloth x 4, Skin x 10
Red Loincloth:       Good Cotton Cloth x 4, Giant Bird's Feather x 2
Ninja Garb:          Good Cotton Cloth x 4, Frog's Skin x 2
Silk Robe:           Silk x 2
Noble's Garb:        Silk x 2, Feather x 20
Party Dress:         Silk x 2, Seashell x 20
Robe of the Dead:    Silk x 2, Bone x 20
Ivory Robe:          Good Wool Cloth, Dragon's Bone x 2
Fog Robe:            Good Flax Cloth x 4, Dragon Scale x 2
Phantasmal Coat:     Good Cotton Cloth x 4, Unicorn's Horn x 2
Ancient Vestement:   Silk x 2, Dragon's Bone
Goblin Overcoat:     Good Flax Cloth x 4, Giant Bird's Feather x 2
Unicorn Robe:        Silk x 2, Unicorn's Horn x 2
Mermaid Robe:        Silk x 2, Pearl Shell x 2


Mittens:             Bad Cotton Cloth x 1, Feather x 1
Gloves:              Bad Flax Cloth x 2
Wristbands:          Bad Wool Cloth x 1
Cotton Mittens:      Normal Cotton Cloth x 1, Feather x 1
Linen Mittens:       Normal Flax Cloth x 1, Feather x 1
Wool Mittens:        Normal Wool Cloth x 1, Feather x 1
Feather Gloves:      Normal Cotton Cloth x 1, Feather x 2
Master's Wristbands: Normal Wool Cloth x 2, Frog's Skin x 1
Magic Hand:          Normal Flax Cloth x 2, Unicorn's Horn x 1
Paw Gloves:          Good Wool Cloth x 2, Skin x 4
Power Gloves:        Good Flax Cloth x 2, Giant Crab's Shell x 1
Silk Gloves:         Silk x 1
Noble's Gloves:      Silk x 1, Feather x 4
Long Gloves:         Silk x 1, Pearl Shell x 1
Ninja Braces:        Good Cotton Cloth x 2, Frog's Skin x 1
Goblin Beads:        Good Flax Cloth x 2, Giant Bird's Feather x 1
Venus Gloves:        Silk x 2, Pearl Shell x 2


Sandals:             Bad Cotton Cloth x 1
Shoes:               Bad Flax Cloth x 1
Fur Shoes:           Bad Wool Cloth x 1, Skin x 1
Knee Socks:          Normal Cotton Cloth x 1
Cotton Shoes:        Normal Cotton Clot x 1, Feather x 1
Shell Sandals:       Normal Flax Cloth x 1, Seashell x 2
Thief Shoes:         Normal Wool Cloth x 1, Skin x 1
Linen Shoes:         Normal Flax Cloth x 1, Feather x 2
Wool Shoes:          Normal Wool Cloth x 1, Feather x 2
Feather Shoes:       Normal Cotton Cloth x 1, Giant Bird's Feather x 1
Master's Shoes:      Normal Wool Cloth x 1, Frog's Skin x 1
Magic Sandals:       Normal Flax Cloth x 2, Unicorn's Horn x 1
Paw Shoes:           Good Wool Cloth x 2, Skin x 2
Silk Shoes:          Silk x 1
Silk Sandals:        Silk x 1, Seashell x 2
Noble's Shoes:       Silk x 1, Feather x 2
Ivory Sandals:       Good Wool Cloth x 2, Dragon's Bone x 1
Ninja Leggings:      Good Cotton Cloth x 2, Frog's Skin x 1
Goblin Clogs:        Good Flax Cloth x 2, Giant Bird's Feather x 1
Mermaid Sandals:     Silk x 2, Pearl Shell x 1

IV. Accessory Atelier

Take materials to the Accessory Atelier shop, which is run by the five 
mermaids, and they will create accessories for you.

Guard Ring: Scale x 10
Water Magic Ring: Scale x 10, Pearl Shell x 1
Magic Ring: Scale x 20, Dragon Scale x 1
Wind Magic Ring: Feather x 10, Pearl Shell x 1
Counter Magic Ring: Horn x 20, Unicorn's Horn x 1
Earth Magic Ring: Shell x 10, Pearl Shell x 1
Lucky Ring: Shell x 20, Giant Crab's Shell x 1
Cape: Skin x 4
Power Ring: Bone x 20, Dragon's Bone x 1
Thunder Magic Ring: Horn x 10, Pearl Shell x 1
Speed Ring: Feather x 20, Giant Bird's Feather x 1
Fire Magic Ring: Bone x 10, Pearl Shell x 1
Pearl Ring: Pearl x 1
Water Amulet: Scale x 10
Wind Amulet: Feather x 10
Thunder Amulet: Horn x 10
Fur Cape: Skin x 10
Flame Amulet: Bone x 10
Magic Canceller: Dragon's Bone x 1, Pearl Shell x 1
Gold Emblem: Giant Crab's Shell x 1, Pearl Shell x 1
Pearl Bracelet: Pearl x 1, Pearl Shell x 1
Pearl Necklace: Pearl x 2, Pearl Shell x 1

g.                                   ~ DECK ~

Nothing of interest here except talking to people...

h.                                  ~ SALOON ~

LOTS of miscellaneous things to do here, and a bunch of mini-games. So many in
fact, that I've devoted an entire seperate section just to the mini-games. So
check out the section below this one, Mini-Games [MNGM] for more information.

There are several other things to do here besides the mini-games. There is 
Perrault's newspaper, which will keep you informed on the plotline of the game
in case you missed anything. There's also a couple of short stories published
in segments. Gareth has sculpted a statue of you in your honor. How sweet. On
the bottom floor Louise at the bar lets you change party members and rest if
you need to.

I. Nataly and Window Sets

Talk to Nataly and give her the 'Window Set's you find throughout the game.
This allows you to change to color and motif of the game menus. 

Default - Light blue trim around dark blue.

Window Set 1 - Brown trim around beige.

Net-fish around Obel.

Window Set 2 - Solid light blue.

Treasure Chest inside the Obel Ruins.

Window Set 3 - Light gray trim around gray.

Basil's Tops mini-game, win 5 games.

Window Set 4 - Red trim around green.

Treasure Chest on Mordo Island.

Window Set 5 - Yellow and pink trim around turquoise.

Treasure Map 7.

Window Set 6 - Gold trim around crimson red.

Net-fish around Razril.

Window Set 7 - Pink trim around turquoise.

Mouse-Catching game in the Nay-Kobold Settlement, 'Extra Large' and 'Normal'.

Window Set 8 - Black trim around gray.

Net-fish around Obel.

Window Set 9 - Green trim around dark green.

After the liberation of Razril, talk to someone in the alley in Razril.

II. Etienne and Game Music

Etienne will play for you (single-handedly somehow...) all the music you've so
far encountered in the game. The tracks are:

01: Opening Theme
02: Beyond the Horizon
03: Beyond the Horizon 2
04: Beginning of the Tale
05: On the Sandy Beach
06: Memories of Greenery
07: From Inside the Gale
08: The Kingdom's Tradition
09: Town of the Sun
10: After Being Left Behind
11: Towards Nay-Kobold
12. A Leisurely Moment
13. Those Standing in the Way
14. A Battle That Cannot Be Lost
16. Naval Battle

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*16. MINI-GAMES [MNGM]*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

a.                             ~ MOUSE CATCHING ~

After recruting Nalkul (90) and Champo (91), this mini-game fully opens up at
the Warehouse in the Nay-Kobold Settlement on Nay Island. Basically, the game
consists of you controlling Champo while you walk around inside the Warehouse
catching mice, then putting them in the cage at the back. You have to drop the
mice you catch into the cage, do so at around a 90 degree angle on whatever
side you're facing, as if you're slanted too diagonally you will just throw 
the mouse to the side of the cage. The slickness (how much you slide across
while walking) of the floor and the amount of mice you have to catch are 
determined by you at the start of the game:

Number of Mice -

Average: 3 Mice
Large: 6 Mice
Extra Large: 10 Mice

Slickness of Floor -

Normal: Floor is not slick at all
Shiny: Floor is slightly slick.
Slippery: Floor is very slick.

You will get prizes for completing a round successfully. The more valuable 
prizes are rewarded to you when you complete a round with a higher number of
mice, and a slicker floor. The prizes are:

Average, Normal - Medicine
Average, Shiny - Treasure Map
Average, Slippery - Old Book Vol. 5
Large, Normal - Sheepskin Sofa
Large, Shiny - Natural Wood Desk
Large, Slippery - Old Book vol. 10
Extra Large, Normal - Window Set 7
Extra Large, Shiny - Mystical Circlet
Extra Large, Slippery - Hero's Shoes

As you can see, the game has some one-of-a kind prizes. The game really isn't
all that challenging, so I recommend you try to get some of those items.

b.                              ~ DICE (Gunter) ~

You can play dice with Gunter (99) when you encounter him first in Middleport,
and then in Na-Nal, as well as on your ship when you recruit him later on. The
game is completely luck based; you're simply rolling dice and hoping you get a
better roll than he does. There are two types of dice games you can choose, 
Down to One and Triple Toss. 

In Down to One, you're simply rolling dice until one of you rolls a one. 
Whoever rolls a won first wins. The amount of Potch wagered is constantly
increasing as the two of you take turns rolling. If a dice falls out of the 
bowl when rolled, the roller automatically loses.

In Triple Toss, you are rolling three dice instead of one, so there are some 
added rules to the game. When you roll and two of the dice are of the same
number, the remaining die is your score. For example, if you roll a 5-5-2, 2
is your score. If you don't have a score after 3 rolls, you have a "no roll".
This is not the only way to win (or lose), however. If you roll a 4-5-6, you 
automatically win, and get twice your Potch wager as a reward (the Potch 
wagered is not increasing per roll like it does in Down To One). If you roll
any triple, you also automatically win, and get three times your wager as a
reward. If you roll three ones (1-1-1), you get four times your wager as a 
reward. You can also instantly lose, however, and this occurs when you roll a
1-2-3. In addition to losing, you must pay twice your wager.

c.                              ~ TOPS (Basil) ~

Tops is played with Basil, who resides in the Saloon on your ship. Tops can
take awhile to get used to, and racking up wins can be very frustrating and
difficult unless you know what the trick is (more on that later). Tops 
involves winding up, well, tops then releasing them on a flat surface and have
them duke it out trying to stop the other person's tops from spinning. To
"charge" a top, you must twice the left analog stick. ALWAYS make sure that
you charge your top all the way. For the first top release you do not have to
wind it up, you simply release it. To release a top, look at the green and 
yellow bar on the left-hand side - you want to press X when the moving arrow 
is closest to the red line in the middle of the yellow part. The closer to the
red, the more powerful your top will be. Simply releasing your tops as close
to the red as possible when you wind them up isn't enough to get you the big
prizes though, so you'll need good timing. The trick with timing is to release
your tops between 1 and 3 seconds after Basil releases his. Any longer than 
that and you're risking Basil winning before you have a chance to get your top
off. Release your tops in a clear part of the board, and so it can easily hit
Basil's tops. Don't release it right behind a stopped top for example, or it
will be pretty useless. Try to use tops that have stopped spinning to your 
advantage, by forcing Basil's tops into being 'cornered' by one of the
stationary tops. The biggest factor of the game is the timing, releasing your
tops soon after Basil releases his, but you also need to try to hit as close 
to the red as possible, as the fringes of yellow sometimes just won't cut it.
And one more thing about, and it's about prizes. To get a prize you must
accumulately win consecutively with no break. Once you've reached a new prize
level, you do not automatically get that prize. Say you're at 10 wins and you
want the prize, you must quit the gamr to get the prize, or continue on. To 
claim a prize you must reach the number of wins required THEN quit, you can't
just play until Basil beats you, because when he does you've lost the prize!
The prizes for this game are:

1 Win - Medicine
5 Wins - Window Set 3, Cough Drop
10 Wins - Old Bool Vol. 2, Escape Talisman
15 Wins - Simple Sofa, Jizo Clock
20 Wins - Treasure Map, Mixed Herbs

d.                           ~ COIN TOSS (Igor) ~

Coin toss is played with Igor in the Saloon on your ship. There are two types,
the first is where Igor flips a coin and you must guess if it's heads or 
tails. He keeps flipping until you guess wrong, or you get 10 in a row. There 
are prizes to be won based on how many consecutive correct guesses you have. 
Those are:

1. Medicine
2. Needle
3. Antitoxin
4. Cough Drop
5. Lottery Ticket
6. Minced Bonito
7. Silk
8. Good Wool Cloth
9. Escape Talisman
10. Lightning Amulet

The second game involves both Hero and Igor flipping three coins. Whoever gets
the most amount of heads wins. This game only involves wagering Potch, there
are no prizes.

e.                              ~ RITA-PON (Rita) ~

At the start of the game, both you and Rita are both dealt eight tiles. The
tiles can be one of four different colors: red, yellow, blue, green. There are
also rune tiles: Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Thunder. The game consists of 
drawing tiles during a turn, and making sets. There are three types of sets;
1-2-3 of the SAME color, three of the same number of the SAME color, or three
of any Runes. At the end of a turn you discard a tile. Your ultimate goal is
to get three sets of tiles.

There are three 'rates' of play: Low, Normal, and High. Low gives you 50 Potch
for every 1000 points, while Normal and High give you 500 and 1000 Potch, 
respectively. Now here's where the game can get a bit complicated. 

When Rita discards a tile which completes a set with two other tiles you 
currently possess, you can choose to take that tile to create a set for
yourself. The set is placed outside of your tiles, so none of them can be
discarded (basically, you're left with five tiles instead of eight). This is
called 'Pon'. 

When you're one tile within reach of winning the game, you can say 'Reach', 
which will force you to discard every consecutive tile you draw unless you 
draw the tile you need to complete your last set, at which point you win the
game. This is called 'Tsumo'. 

When she discards a tile that you need to win, you can grab it (much like when
you can take her discarded tile with 'Pon'). This is called 'Ron'. If neither
of you complete three sets, the game is a tie. This is called 'Ryukyuko'. 

Runes are special tiles which each have an ability associated with them. Fire
destroys one of Rita's tiles, Earth protects you again Fire and Wind but only
for one use on you. Wind covers three tiles so that Rita cannot see what they
are. Lightning allows you to draw three tiles in a row (particularly handy if
you've declared 'Reach'). And finally, Water lets you take a discarded tile 
from either you or Rita (useful as a safety net for when you're forced to 
discard a tile that could complete a set). 

At the end of a game you can choose to continue, or you can 'settle the 
score'. You both start out with 10,000 points, and winning a game nets you a
certain amount of points an takes a certain amount away from Rita. If you 
manage to put Rita down to 0 points (called 'Hakoten') the game is ended and 
you earn some extra potch. 

f.                             ~ NOAH'S GAME ~

This game can be very difficult to get a hold of, as it's played pretty 
strangely. The game is played by taking turns drawing cards, with the game
ending when the sum of all the cards played reaches 51 or greater (the number
is displayed in the middle of the screen). Each card is assigned a number 
between one and five, and an element (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and
Lightning). You wager either 500, 2000, or 5000 Potch at the start of the 
game, and you can earn a prize along with what you wagered if you win. The
prizes vary based on the difference between your final score and Noah's. You
can earn points through a number of ways:

Every card you play will net you the number of points shown on the card. When 
the card you play results in a number ending in zero (10, 20, etc.), you are 
given ten points. If you play a card which results in exactly 51 points, you 
are given 20 points. If you go over 51 however, points are deducted from your
score. When a card is played which is the same element as the last card 
played, a combo is started, and can be continued by playing cards of the same
element until you run out of that element. Combos will earn you points. 

Prizes are:

500 Potch - Medicine, Cough Drop, Mushroom
2000 Potch - Bone, Pearl, Mint
5000 Potch - Seashell, Platinum, Diamond.

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*17. SECRETS, TIPS, AND SIDEQUESTS [STSQ]*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

a.                              ~ EXPLANATION ~

Technically, Suikoden IV is really just one big sidequest, what with the 
multiple endings and 108 characters and all... but in this section I will
cover some miscellaneous aspects of Suikoden IV which do not fit into the
characters and endings section of the guide. They range from useful, to 
useless novelties.

b.                         ~ TRADING, EARNING POTCH ~

Trading becomes an excellent way to make Potch later on in the game 
(especially when you get Viki (78) and the Blinking Mirror), since Potch is
one thing you can often find yourself short on in the game. While most
radable items can take a long time to build up a solid profit with, there is
one item which can net you tens of thousands of Potch very quickly, Pearls. 

There are three Trading Posts in the game that trade Pearls: Na-Nal,
Middleport, and Mordo Island. It seems Mordo is the prime buyer of Pearls, but
I've had instances in the game where it's Na-Nal. I've yet to see Middleport
buy pearls for much money, but they will often be selling them cheap. 
Basically, when you arrive at a Trading Post, if they have Pearls being sold
for between 2000 and 3000 Potch or so, BUY THEM. Seek out another of the trio 
of Trading Posts which is buying them for 5000+ Potch (I've seen Pearls reach 
8500 Potch at Na-Nal, but the price is usually around 6500), and BAM, you'll 
have a nice not-so-little stash of Potch to spend.

You can also buy the less-pricier items, then sell them for higher at other
places, and get 10000 Potch or so, but Pearls are really the most efficient
means of getting Potch quickly.

Another good way of earning Potch is to sell all the Sunbeam Orbs you get from
winning them in the Lottery. They sell for 5000 Potch each, so it can really 
add up!

Of course, all these techniques on earning potch are virtually irrelevant once
you get the Slash Orb and Prosperity Orb... you can earn huge amounts of potch
simply by getting into normal battles this way.

c.                           ~ THE KILLER GOLEM ~

The Killer Golem is one of only two secret bosses which is not involved in 
recruiting a character. After the Liberation of Razril, you can find the golem
at the very end of the Ruins of Obel, where you found Ragki and Rikie earlier.
Run over to him and you will...

                        ~ BOSS BATTLE: KILLER GOLEM ~

HP: 12000
POTCH: 30000
ITEMS: Diamond

This is probably the most difficult battle you will face in Suikoden IV, and
you should definitely be around Level 50 to defeat the Golem. Take your 
strongest characters, and make sure you have plenty of Jizo Clocks (you'll be
dying alot) and healing items. The Killer Golem has two main attacks. The
first, his normal physical attack, is anything but normal as it WILL kill a
character if you don't have great equipment on and more than 350 HP. This 
attack easily does 350-500 damage depending on the character, and will almost
always kill them, so you should probably just think of it as an instant death
attack. His second attack does around 150 damage to all your characters. He 
will often follow up with a second one of these, or with his killer normal 
attack, so you need to be healing every round. Occasionally, you will have to
take a round to simply have everyone heal if you're hurting and can tell that 
one of his attacks is coming up next.

As you can see, the Killer Golem has 12000 HP, which means he takes forever to
kill. But really, he has quite a bit more than that, since he has a spell 
which will heal him for a whopping 1100 or so HP. Fortunately, he doesn't use
this spell that often (about every 9 or 10 rounds it seems), but it's very 
annoying how it prolongs the battle and basically nullifies the last round of
damage you inflicted on him.

It's a long battle, and you might find yourself at the 'game over' screen a 
couple of times, but he'll go down eventually if you're around level 50 and 
you have your best characters and equipment with you. 

d.                            ~ THE ANCIENT CRAB ~

As hinted at earlier, this is the second of the two optional bosses which are 
not involved in recruting a character. You can find the Ancient Crab on the 
Deserted Island by going through the forest (the middle path on the beach) and
into the open field at the end.

                         ~ BOSS BATTLE: Ancient Crab ~

HP: 12000
POTCH: 25000
ITEMS: Giant Crab's Shell, Fire Rune Piece

The Ancient Crab is almost identical to the Killer Golem in terms of stats,
but there is one aspect to the crab that makes it loads easier than the golem.
Firstly, his normal attack which targets one character is not nearly as deadly
as the Killer Golem's, and secondly, he does not heal himself for 1000+ HP 
occasionally like the golem does. The crab has an attack which does 130 or so
damage to all characters, and his normal attack does around 200 damage to one
character. Just pound him with your strongest stuff, and keep your HP at 200+. 
He likes to use his attack which hits all characters more often than his
normal attack it seems, so spells such as Kindness Rain and others which heal
all characters are a good choice.

e.           ~ OTHER RECRUITABLE CHARACTERS (not Stars of Destiny) ~

There are several characters which are not a part of the 108 Stars of Destiny
which you can recruit to be aboard your ship, although none of them serve any
other function except to be there. But anyway, if you're a completionist and
you want to hunt them down, you can. The first batch of these characters can
be found when Obel is under attack and you are evacuating the city. Since it's
required by the plot, you have to get them. The optional ones include:

- After the liberation of Razril, go there and talk to the cat by where your 
ship docks (the same area where all the ships are). Yes, it's a cat... not a
Nay-Kobold, just a standard stray cat... but he comes upon your ship for some
reason if you talk to him.

- After the liberation of Razril, go there and talk to a girl and her father 
who are in the Training Hall in the Hall of Knights.

f.                            ~ THE TRUE HOLY RUNE ~

This is an interesting (though completely meaningless) tidbit that hardcore
Suikoden fans should recognize. Way back in Suikoden II, during a strategy
battle in the English version of Suikoden II, Stallion remarks about his
'True Holy Rune' which provides him with the enhanced. speed he has. This is
actually a mistranslation from the original Japanese version of the dialogue,
which translates far more accurately to the 'God Speed Rune' or 'Divine Speed 
Rune', something along those lines. There was much speculation and controversy
for awhile as to whether or not the Rune Stallion had is actually one of the 
True Runes so omnipresent in Suikoden lore. It was eventually confirmed by
Konami that it was a mistranslation and not a True Rune, however. 
Well, the menace of mistranslation is back, and when you read one of Cedric's
letters in your ship's comment box, it mentions how he was born with the 'True
Holy Rune' which grants him his speed. Is this Konami's idea of a joke, or has
it really been mistranslated again? Probably the latter, but maybe Konami is 
just messing with us...

g.                             ~ LOADING SCREEN ~

Another novelty, this time involving the loading screen in Suikoden IV. When
certain characters are present in your party, there will be a 2-D sprite 
animation of the character walking or running. Thise characters are Jeane,
Nalkul, Champo, Chiepoo, and Snowe (whose sprite will change along with his
costume changes). If none of those characters are present in your party, the 
animation will be of Hero only.

h.                                 ~ ENDINGS ~

There are four endings in Suikoden IV, two of which are more novelties than 
anything else, and the last two being at the actual end of the main story.

The first ending can occur when you first arrive on the Deserted Island. 
When you are asked about the party's next course of action, choose the
options which favor staying on the island three times and the game will end,
with Hero, Chiepoo, and your other two accompanying party members peacefully
spending the rest of their days on the island. You can continue to do the 
hunt-for-supplies game after it says 'THE END', and your characters are given
new, bizarre, simple black-and-white portraits.

The second ending can occur after setting out to invade Obel, after the naval
battle 'Mysterious Fleet'. Keep refusing to use the Rune of Punishment three
times and the game will end.

The third ending is at the actual end of the game, but if you don't recruit
all 108 Stars of Destiny. 

The fourth ending is exactly the same as the third, except that it shows Hero
to still be alive at the very end, albeit with little questions answered...
perhaps  this leaves the possibility of a cameo open for Suikoden V?

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*18. SPECIAL THANKS AND CREDITS [THNK]*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

KONAMI - For continuing the wonderful Suikoden series. Let's hope we'll see 
many more games to come. :)

BRADYGAMES - For information in the Official Strategy Guide which helped 
greatly to fill in the gaps I've missed, notably the bestiary and a few of the 

GAMEFAQS - Still the best source for game information. This guide wouldn't
be around if it weren't for GameFAQs, after all!

SUIKOSOURCE - The best Suikoden site on the internet. It's always been the 
place I go to first when I want to figure out what's going on in the world of

SUIKODEN ASSUMPTIONS AND RUMORS SHELTER - Another great source online for
Suikoden information.


Xenoedge7: For always being a great person to talk to about gaming, and
just about everything else. Thanks. :)

OmegaDL50: For providing helpful opinion and insight into the guide.

KawaiiNikkiChu: For pointing out that you SHOULDN'T take your best party 
members for the first section of the final part of the game.

Dustin Oliver and Brian Hayes: For informing me about the Treasure Map that 
can be found on the Merchant Ship.

ShadowOfKenshin: For pointing out several things I forgot to include, or was
in error about, including...

- Trishtan (86) is found near the Inn in Obel, NOT the trading post.
- The locked stairway in Fort El-Eal is on the second floor, not the first.
- Ugetsu (30) requires that around 75-80 characters be recruited first.
- Ted (4) CANNOT be recruited if you've already made prepa
rations for the
  final battle.   
- A strategy for defeating the Angel Hairball at a lower level.

...and to all fellow fans of the Suikoden series, and those who chose to read
my guide: THANKS!

*** Thanks for reading! ***


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